Microsoft launched its 365 operating system (aimed at the workplace)
This system guarantees that you can access your work area, device from anywhere, only the internet and your cell phone or device that you have on hand to make a connection is enough, in addition the system will have the same characteristics of a desktop PC but everything already in the cloud and you would have these benefits by paying a monthly subscription for this service, which can exempt the costs of acquiring a physical pc and an area in your office, this already depends on each company, the questions would be.

Would you be willing to change the way you work and just depend on the internet?
If the internet were to fail, what could you do to continue with your daily tasks?
Do you find more advantages to access anywhere and have full access without having to go to the company where you work?
Would it be an option for you or do you prefer to migrate to Windows 11?
Below are the characteristics, release dates, costs of this modality of Windows 365, however this functionality in the cloud will be added in the version of the Windows 11 operating system launched on October 5 of the current year.
This system was launched on July 14 of the current year, which unlike the traditional Microsoft ones will be in the cloud, you can forget about taking your PC / Laptop / Tablet with Windows OS installed to work, just with a good connection you will have full access to your equipment (applications, information, settings, etc.) in a hybrid or floating way to call it that because of the term of being in the cloud, there is no limitation of being a PC, Mac, Linux or Android.
It is based on Azure Virtual Desktop, Windows 365 incorporates analysis of the network connection status and the Watchdog service, to run continuous diagnostics and be able to guarantee that the operation is the most adequate.
This system will be for a membership of 31 USD, this subscription will be part of the Windows 365 Business option, which Microsoft offers for companies with less than 300 employees; which includes 2 CPU, 4 GB of RAM and 128 GB of storage memory, this price was revealed after August 2 which was officially released.
There will also be one in which it will be offered a CPU, 2 GB of RAM and 64 GB of internal storage, although the price of this configuration is still unknown and the Enterprise version would be for a company with greater staff capacity.
I could conclude that this cloud system would guarantee connectivity in a business work environment, since it is focused on that sector, if the company is micro, small, it can continue to work regularly or update its version of Windows 10 to 11, and be able to work its applications that do not need internet, since if it were to occupy Windows 365, internet connectivity is an essential requirement.
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