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Cómo crear facturas con tasas de IVA variables en Sicofi


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¿Cómo cancelar tu CFDI en SICOFI?

The last thing

Cuando tenemos clientes a los cuales les vendemos por linea de crédito, es necesario facturar el ticket de venta con el método de pago PPD(Pago en parcialidades o diferido), en el punto de venta Adminit nos permite realizar este tipo de facturas. Para ello hay que dar clic en Ventas >> Ventas Suspendidas >> Damos …

El sistema SICOFI te permite realizar la carga masiva de inventario, es bastante útil para cuando anteriormente se manejaba en otra plantilla, en Office o algún otro sistema , esto para no empezar desde 0. Posibilita utilizar un archivo .txt donde podemos colocar nuestros productos y servicios para poder darlos de alta de forma masiva. …

Primero vamos a aclarar cuando se deben de emitir estas facturas al público en general: Dependiendo la cantidad de ventas registradas, el CFDI al público en general se debe de realizar de forma diaria, semanal o mensualmente en un periodo máximo de 72 horas tras el cierre de las operaciones.   Para poder timbrar este …

What is IPv6? The Internet works through IP address, and each device that you connect to the Internet through these numeric addresses that work like a license plate. IPv6 addresses are much longer and complex than IPv4. The IPv4 has an address structure in the following way: ...

From 01 of January of 2022, the receipt of payroll integrates with version 4.0 of the CFDI in his review C, being compulsory from 1 July 2022. The main changes are: - approval of the form of expression of the date format according to Annex 20. Deleted validations ...

In the first place, it is noteworthy that it is ideal and recommended in terms of operating systems of computers, and in particular its updates, it is always advisable to wait more time before you start to use it. Similarly, Microsoft had already announced months before its launch, Windows 10 will continue to receive support until the ...

As a company it is important to have promotions on our products, if you already driving for the product quantity or amount of money you can apply discounts on the ticket at the time of finalize the sale, you will help us keep you interested our customers more frequent. To create the pricing rules will click on Settings ...

To manage a better control of our sales, it is important to have boxes, which we will indicate who made the sale, with the money began and ended. If you want to create a new box, just go to Settings >> Branches >> We click edit to the branch to which you will be given ...

  Companies are increasingly aware of the support and how crucial it is this factor at the time of the service of our customers. Especially when we made the offer of products or services on the internet. And is that, while many know the importance of the sales funnel and its different ...

While it is important to have different payment methods at the time you make a sale, it's for the convenience of the client, to create a better sales experience, in addition, it gives quality of service to our users. The system adminit, allows you to create the payment methods that you need for your business, to do this, there is that ...

To give it a more customized look and feel to our ticket sales, the system Adminit allows you to make the necessary modifications, whether to write data of your business and your customer can contact you more easily, add a caption thank-you, show specific information of the items, hide barcode, among others. How to modify ...

To generate reports in the system of Adminit we need to perform the following steps: 1 - We need to log in to our point of sale: in our point-of-sale we will diriguirnos and click on the section of Reports. Click on Reports, we will show a drop-down list in the drop-down we will ...

The system Adminit allows you to perform bulk load of inventory, it is quite useful for when previously handled in another template, in Office, or some other system , it does not start from 0. Makes it possible to use an Excel template, which you can download from the same system where you are going to put the information of the ...

To be able to make sales by prickly pears we must follow the steps that I show you below: To do this first we have to do is log in to our point of sale: Within the system we're going to click on the option of Sales: When you click Sales, we will show a drop-down ...

To improve the user's experience when using the platform and to provide an easy to use interface for customers, we can change the language to the native language of our client. How to change the language in OpenCart? There is to login to the administrator of our OpenCart, once that's done we click System >> Localization ...

The LXS are the framework that handles all aspects of the learning process. A LXS is the infrastructure that delivers and manages the content of instruction, identifies and assesses individual learning, follows the progress towards the achievement of the goals, and collects and presents data for supervising the learning process. The ...

With the passing of the years, the development of the market of e-learning has led to the emergence of multiple platforms LXS, according to a market study prepared by TRM Research in 2017 there are more than 600 platforms LXS are available on the world market, this fact has given rise to the specialization of the platforms LXS ...

The learning profiles are needed, which of these depends on the content that the users have access to, and this helps the teaching-learning processes. The student: it Is the figure to which are focused processes, learning and training. Teachers: personal Guardians: Its functions are to guide, academic counseling ...

Think of the system as a great repository for users, allowing you to store, access and record information in a single place. Any user-provided id and password you may enter the teaching resources of the system. Design responsive: users can access The system from any device you choose, whether it be desktop computer, phone ...

Large companies large companies need to be continually hundreds, even thousands, of employees of various subsidiaries. Many of them use learning platforms to keep to distributors, franchises and other sales channels up to date on product launches, compliance requirements and more. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMES) do you Think that a ...

Here there are some cases in which using a LXS is a good idea: Induction With a LXS you can automate the induction of employees. You only need to create a training program once and then assign it to all new employees. Training in compliance with A LXS can help keep the employees updated ...

There is No universal agreement on the set of full functionalities of a LXS standard, but in general, you can divide all the requirements of a LXS in basic and advanced functions: Functions of THE basic: user Management – this functionality allows you to add and edit users, assign roles, and group students in groups and organizations. ...

In simple terms, a standard is a language that your e-learning courses, and your LXS used to communicate with each other. Select a unified standard for both the authoring tools and the LXS means that the information will be shared between them successfully. The student can easily see the courses and the instructor can easily ...

  Microlearning or micro learning learning short, quick and effective it has become one of the favorites for the users, due to the consumption of micro-content is more digestible, entertaining, and easy to understand, allowing you to learn more in a short time, and is characterized by the following: Format: videos, audios, Podcasts, infographics, games. ...

