True story: About four years ago I was in a hurry due to the rise of the so-called platform-publishers (platishers, if you are a fan of startups) since in theory they were a kind of threat to the conventional blog: the one that one could have in a blogspot free (in your own silo) or in your own domain, with your own hosting ...
If something can help Mexican businesses after the COVID-19 pandemic, it is to be efficient with their supplies, know precisely which items are the most sold and even generate loyalty programs, in addition to integrations with e-platforms. commerce. For those pharmacies, boutiques, restaurants or counter stores that ...
After the design and implementation of essential content in a WordPress installation (whether for a semi-static portfolio or the periodic update of a blog or magazine), a very important part of making the website known is optimizing it for search engines. And if you have a self-hosted WordPress, you can get more out of these ...
It is good to remember that a great inspiration from those of Cupertino in simpler times: those in which the firm was consolidated after the return of Steve Jobs to the board, added to the rise of Jonathan Ive in the design of devices. Give rein to your creativity and generate your portfolio in WordPress with the ...
Although today it may seem that social networks are everything, the truth is the priorities of these services at best change and at worst, they simply disappear. For example, ten years ago it was possible to upload long clips to and today, it no longer exists, since all its ...
In the second edition of our interviews with the humans behind KIUBIX, we have Carlos Mancera, a nice young man who coordinates the Cloud Hosting area. This is the human side behind the web solutions company that is driving some of the most exciting digital projects in Mexico. 1. What is your ...
The cPanel or for its acronym in English, control panel, is the control panel where everything related to web hosting servers is managed. This includes several very useful tools, especially if you are looking for results quickly and easily for your page, so we will talk to you more in depth ...
There are many and different ways to grow your business, and for good reason, companies, at least the best ones, are in a constant process of continuous improvement, where each of the steps they take, try to take the business towards go ahead, that's why this article today talks about different ...
Why host your web project on KIUBIX? A question that is usually received in KIUBIX is why they prefer its cloud hosting service or web hosting before that of other companies that include it with the sale of domains or proprietary platforms. As we are short, concise and to the point, we have the 8 reasons ...
One reality in digital business is that speed is absolutely necessary, as the precious seconds it takes to load a web page can be crucial to attracting a customer or returning them to Google. What's more, even Google may not be considering your site if it had a bad rating ...
One of the biggest myths about WordPress, the CMS that powers ⅓ of all web pages, is that it "only works for blogs." I have been a user of the platform since 2005, when it was necessary to install it manually with the databases and by FTP, and since then the potential became clear to me ...
Eye love is born. And on the internet the star element is not the CMS or the programming but the typography with which we present ourselves to our users, on our websites (it also helps to have a good hosting service). Even without a single image, an attractive typographic game allows you to captivate ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a rethinking of retail sales and the blow has been hard for Mexican SMEs after more than 3 months with the doors closed or partial services before the hygiene measures established by the authority. While it seems that there is no way to face giants like Amazon, ...
Now that online stores are reaching their maximum exponent, that is, that everyone wants and must have one in order to continue to remain competent with other businesses, a question came to light, how, almost automatically, to be able to generate invoices for customers who need them? This question is totally ...
The post-pandemic world taught us the possibilities of productivity and growth at home, with the ability to learn online in practically any discipline being extremely important. Whether through formal platforms from certified universities or through Zoom seminars, online education has reaffirmed itself as one of the great businesses of the future. Yes OK …
We are launching a section to meet the KIUBERS, the members of the KIUBIX team, who are professionals with a passion for technology and generating web solutions for Mexican businesses. During these interviews we will see the human side behind one of the fastest growing Mexican companies in the area. Today is Francisco Ruiz's turn ...
A recurring question is what advantages Plesk has over CPanel, beyond the fact that it is the clear and obvious option for your Windows projects and applications made in .net using the C# and Visual Basic languages. To understand the subject, we develop 4 points: 1. Compatibility First of all, it is compatible with various Cloud platforms ...
On this successful Wednesday, we have the case of LJA.MX, the fastest growing digital medium in the central region of Mexico, whose high traffic is supported thanks to KIUBIX's Cloud Hosting services, together with its first-rate technical support. In the interview, we chatted with Francisco Trejo Corona, who coordinates the efforts ...
If in the world 600 web pages are created every minute and your business still does not have one, something must be doing wrong. Web pages open up a world of opportunities for your business and they become vital if you want to keep up with your competition. In order to start managing your ...
One of the wonders of having your website in WordPress, in a good web hosting service, is the existence of a brilliant community of geeks who usually release their knowledge, either in practical advice, collecting the news so that they do not catch us in curve the big updates or with the best ...
Parallel to the regrettable COVID-19 for Mexican society (and worldwide), there has been a collateral phenomenon: the adoption of electronic commerce in Mexico accelerated, thus overcoming historical issues of mistrust and with hundreds of establishments and / or platforms of payment that have a very valuable asset: the cards of potential clients. To the …
In this time where competition in online markets is at its peak, businessmen and entrepreneurs are looking for solutions that provide them with a much better position than their competitors and, in this way, they can win in this market of constant innovation. That is why Adminit is here to support you ...
The moment that we are all living marks a new stage in history, it is a change that had not been experienced in modern times with such force, but, just as it presents a threat, it also brings several opportunities, one of them is to be able to enter in e-commerce with your own online store, it is ...
Due to the current crisis, many things had to stop, the cinemas, for example, are currently closed and, despite the fact that little by little they will seek to return to normality, there is still a long time for this to be completed. On the other side of the coin are all the things that had to follow ...