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You are trying to make an invoice and the option to Generate CFDI does not appear. Next I will show you the reasons why it does not appear and its solutions. Cause: It does not have Folios. Verification: To make sure you have folios, you must enter the home screen of your billing system and verify. ...

There are two options, one is to delete them directly within the webmail of each account, I comment it is more time consuming but safer this to avoid deleting emails that are still used. The second option is through cpanel, the following options are eliminated: 1 year old or more 30 MB in size or more Previously viewed…

Managing DNS zones The DNS (Domain Name Service) service is an Internet service that translates domain names (addresses by name, eg into IP addresses (numerical addresses, eg 1.1 .3.2) and vice versa. This service is essential to be able to initiate any communication with another computer by accessing it by name. ...

Iptables is a command line utility for configuring the Linux kernel firewall. The term iptables is also commonly used to refer to such a kernel firewall. It can be configured directly with iptables, or using one of the many existing console and graphics frontend. THE MOST COMMON IPTABLES ARE: BLOCK A PORT:…

Zabbix is one of the most popular monitoring systems, as well as being an open source 100% system and released under the GNU General Public License. Some of the functionalities it has are: High performance and high capacity (possibility of monitoring hundreds of thousands of devices) Auto discovery of servers and devices ...

There is a way to have two or more synchronized Imap servers, an example would be: If the mail [email protected] receives an email, the mail [email protected] also receives it, which is on a completely different server, in a few words the mail will be duplicated on both servers, in case some are down, the others ...

Generally, when a site is changed servers, the DNS logs take several hours to be replicated. This implies a significant downtime in sites with many visits. To avoid this downtime we have some tips for you. Modify the TTL TTL is the DNS record expiration time. Most websites have a ...

Nmap is not usually installed by default, therefore we proceed to it. Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint and derivatives: sudo apt -y install nmap Centos 7, Rhel 7 and derivatives: sudo yum install nmap -y The most used command is simply nmap hostname, this command will give you a list of all open ports and their …

The term hacker has always been misused and is always used to refer to someone who will steal your bank accounts or "hack" your social networks, I will try to explain the difference between hacker, cracker or lick. HACKER. A hacker is a person with advanced knowledge of computer security, networks, programming, etc. This person enjoys ...

With the news of the disappearance of CentOS 8 Linux and its multiple changes which will make it go from a stable enterprise-grade system to a beta system (for testing) many users have expressed their discontent, but it is not just standard users , These are multimillion dollar companies which you know ...

  There are two protocols for the use of emails, these are Imap and POP3, each of these protocols has advantages or disadvantages. 1.-IMAP This protocol works directly on the mail server. To check the mail, it connects to the server and shows the content there is. When they send an email it is stored ...

SINGLE CUSTOMER REGISTRATION To start billing we first need to register the data of the customer to whom we will make the document. 1.-We enter our account at with the accesses sent to our mail. 2.- Once inside we enter CUSTOMERS AND PRODUCTS and click on Manage customers 3.- In TOOLS we click on ADD ...

FIRST TIME 1.-A message will appear in red on the main page, indicating that we do not have the CSD in the account. 2.-We click and it will automatically take us to the CERTIFICATES page 3.-We click on NEW CERTIFICATE and it will send us to the next screen 4.-We click on BROWSE to search the files within our ...

1.- We enter the upper menu DOCUMENTS - NEW DOCUMENT 2.- We look for the client and select him in the red circle next to his name 3.- This will enable the options in TOOLS (if we do not select the client, they do not appear) 4.- We click on INVOICE 5.- Tools: Preview Document: converts the invoice into ...

METHOD “A” ADVANCE INVOICE WITH CREDIT NOTE 1.-We enter DOCUMENTS - NEW DOCUMENT 2.-We select the client to enable the documents that we can make and click on INVOICE 3.-We add the payment data, method, payment in a single payment 4.-In SAT code we use 84111506, ACT Unit Concept or description: ADVANCE ...

Force a backup of all accounts We will go to the terminal of our WHM. And we will place the following command: / usr / local / cpanel / bin / backup –force It will send us the following message: [2021-03-25 11:54:00 -0600] info [backup] Started at Thu Mar 25 11:54 : 00 2021 [2021-03-25 11:54:00 -0600] info [backup] The backup is now running in the background in process 14948. [2021-03-25…

In such a competitive market as the one we live in, finding a way to stand out can seem a bit difficult to find, after all, most want to stand out too. So how do I grow my business? The answer is inbound, and here we will explain what it consists of and how you can apply it to improve your ...

New technologies always come to make life easier for us, once they are here we hardly stop using them since they represent a tool that facilitates some work, or in some way, makes that work generate a greater result for us. Such is the case of online stores, a digital tool that helps us ...

In recent years, artificial intelligence has become a topic that everyone talks about due to its great impact on how things are done today. We have gone from having hundreds of programmers designing every aspect of the automation necessary in companies, to having these same programmers designing systems ...

Most administrators need to know the use of the Linux terminal, although with the large number of existing commands it is almost impossible to learn them all, that is why in this post we will list the most used The ping command will send an ICMP packet to the destination host, its main objective is to verify that a ...

Currently having a high performance server is essential, which is why VPS are the best options. Although having a VPS is extremely easy, sometimes companies do not have a specialist to perform the necessary configuration. In this tutorial we will show you how to install LEMP (Linux, Engine-X, MySQL, PHP) for use ...

Both Joomla and WordPress are CMS platforms developed in PHP and are open source, although both platforms are recognized for their ease of use, extensive customization opportunities, and active communities. While WordPress and Joomla have their respective pros and cons, they can both be used to create modern, feature-packed sites, so…

WordPress is not a slow CMS but we could slow it down by including non-optimized themes and plugins, and although it is a very easy to use CMS you must have notions of what you are doing when modifying the settings. We will analyze some necessary points to have a good loading speed. Web hosting It is important to choose a ...

Iptables is a command line utility for configuring the Linux kernel firewall. The term iptables is also commonly used to refer to such a kernel firewall. It can be configured directly with iptables, or using one of the many existing console and graphics frontend. THE MOST COMMON IPTABLES ARE: BLOCK A PORT:…

