KIUBIX starts as a news portal in Aguascalientes. The company begins to change towards another turn where they begin to offer hosting services to the different companies that were looking for hosting their sites. Currently the company became known a lot due to everything that is offered within it. KIUBIX helps…
When managing a company, there are several acronyms that we come across and, if the subject is about technology, they seem to multiply, right? A very common question is what is a CRM and how does this type of software work. Therefore, if you still do not use a Customer Relationship platform ...
Next we are going to learn how to install a wordpress using the wordpress toolkit. 1- First we must enter our cPanel. 2- Once inside our cPanel we are going to look for the WordPress Toolkit 3- Within this tool we select the name of our domain and click on install. ...
Google safe browser is a Google service that examines billions of websites in search of malware or malicious content, this can be an excellent tool that could become a headache if you are a developer since like all systems this is not there free of errors (FALSE POSITIVES). ...
The Kearnit platform specializes in everything different. In any moodle you find everything very robust and static, it is not out of the ordinary that can be seen in all management systems. Kearnit gives you the content in a super clear and simple way, which motivates you to do more and more ...
You enter Kearnit and you can already take a look at how friendly the system interface is. You will find many intuitive tools, which will help you make the necessary adjustments in a simpler and faster way. The software will better incorporate you into the working model, it offers several courses that work with the low version ...
It is a learning management system known as E-Learning, currently there is much talk about education and virtual models that arise from the needs of people who want to learn something new or complement their previously acquired knowledge.
The management of a business is the strongest pillar of a business, if there is no good management, the whole business will collapse little by little. So if we seek the highest profitability of our business, we must look for the tools that help us compete and generate greater profit, for example, by ...
Taxpayers are required to invoice, this is highly reflected in any business or company that needs to issue invoices. For example, you have a business to manufacture face masks and you start selling them online, either on your own page or on another page, for example free market, because there will be many buyers who need an invoice ...
What is Adminit Technology? Have you ever thought how useful a system that manages a large part of your business would be, because you thought correctly it is very useful, if you have or had an accountant because he manages everything financially and the truth makes your work more efficient .
WHAT IS ANONYMOUSFOX? Anonymousfox is a vulnerability of WordPress and different CMS with which vulnerable plugins can be exploited and thus gain access to the files of your cPanel account. Although this is not a problem that affects the integrity of the server on which it is hosted or that can grow horizontally for ...
Every company cares about being positioned in SEO, this is a very important factor that is taken into account because, the higher your position in SEO, your website will get more exposure.
Many people feel insecure when they choose to use WordPress their companies and get carried away by such rumors, because they end up using other alternatives that do not match their business model.
It was born as a canceled project, if we go back to its beginnings it was only considered a blog tool and many people did not think about what it would become today. He is currently very powerful because his evolutionary qualities came to light, he became one of the managers of ...
cPanel is the administrator of our web hosting, being the best web hosting administrator par excellence, it offers us different tools.
WordPress Toolkit is the most evolutionary WordPress administration interface, this stands out because it offers many tools that facilitate the management of websites in WordPress.
NGINX is synonymous with reliability and speed, it is not an exaggeration to say that many popular websites widely trust this web server, because it is the best web server par excellence if we use cache, but if you thought it was only for that, then it is wrong , NGINX is the one in charge of managing the ...
cPanel is the web hosting tool par excellence, due to its wide range of options and way of configuring a website, but two decades ago there were no tools for web hosting known, you could hear from companies about a problem related to this and the only thing that was thought was ...
Microsoft launched its 365 operating system (aimed at the work environment) This system guarantees that you can access your work area, device from anywhere, only the internet and your cell phone or device that you have on hand to make a connection is enough, in addition the system will have the same characteristics of a desktop pc but everything ...
In order to restore the cPanel account in your WHM we must first enter our WHM: server_name / whm server_ip / whm Once inside we are going to go to the terminal, in our WHM search engine we put terminal: Now we must have them well identified where we have our backing. Once our endorsement is identified, we must send it to ...
To generate a backup within our cPanel we must follow the following steps: 1- We log into our cPanel: 2- We go to the BACKUP part: 3- Upon entering, it will show us the following screen in which we must click on Download Backup: 4- To generate the backup we have several options: The…
In order to make our payment complement, we must first log in to the billing portal: Now that our invoice has been stamped, we must go to this invoice Note: The invoice must be generated in installment payments or payment to be defined since otherwise the complement cannot be assigned ...
In order to generate an invoice, we must first log into the SICOFI platform with the accesses provided when purchasing a packet of folios: The link is the following: Una Once the data has been entered, it will show us the welcome screen: Now if once inside the portal to be able to generate the ...
To be able to change a version of PHP in WHM 1- We must enter our WHM, once inside we must search for MultiPHP Manager 2- We click on the tool and it will show us the following screen: 3- We verify the version of PHP that we currently have. To be able to modify it you must click ...