The Safe Taxi program with fixed rates on distances to travel begins in Aguascalientes

Aguascalientes, Ags.-The Taxi Seguro program with fixed rates according to the distances to be traveled and so that workers at the wheel stop denying or conditioning the service began at the Central Bus Station.

The general secretary of the Central Bus Station Taxi Drivers Union, Ernesto Ponce, explained that the Safe Taxi program consists of the installation of a toll booth in the vicinity of the bus terminal, in which the user can pay the service based on in the rates that were previously established according to the definition of four zones within the capital city.

It was also explained that when making the payment, the user receives a transfer ticket that contains a series of data that provide certainty and security in the service, such as the taxi number, name of the driver, badge folio, date, time and destination, as well as a telephone number to report any anomalous situation.

It was also detailed that when boarding the rental car, the passenger gives a copy of the ticket to the driver and keeps the original; He said that the rates that were defined are 35, 45, 60 and 80 pesos, for zones 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively.

It is worth highlighting that this scheme seeks to guarantee the safety of users; At the same time, they will be given the certainty that they will pay a rate according to the destination they are going to; For which, through the program, the passenger will previously pay for the service, based on the rates established for four areas of the Capital city.

Finally, the general manager of the Aguascalientes Bus Station, Óscar Eduardo Román Garay, thanked the will of the taxi drivers and the authorities involved to carry out the project that would favor the users who arrive at the Entity through this bus terminal, which In 2017 alone, it served just over 2.3 million passengers.

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1 Comment

  1. Jorge A. hernandez Martinez

    Gentlemen, you have every reason and excellent idea to put a phone number on the tickets of the safe taxi vouchers, but what I think would be a good idea, is to tell the staff to answer the phone, or maybe the training is not correct What do they give them, this because I have been calling the number that brings the ticket for two hours, 6889389 and 01887348681 and they do not refer me to the call. is my humble comment.

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