Open Outlook
Go to the "File" tab
We select information and click on account settings.
In the new window that will appear, we must click on the "New ..." button.
We select the option "Manually configure server options".
Now we select the option "Internet E-mail".
We will fill in each field with the data provided by your service providers.
In this case it corresponds to KIUBIX clients, you can see the full size image by clicking on it.
We click on the "More settings" button, go to the "Outgoing server" tab and put a check mark on the option "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication)".
Now we go to the "Advanced" tab and put the following numbers:
POP3: 110
SMTP: 587
We click on «Accept» and click on «Test account settings». It will show us a box where it indicates that the test has been carried out successfully.
Now we just finish and our account will be configured in Outlook
Hello, good afternoon, days ago I asked to activate some email accounts and these have already been delivered to me, I only need to activate an account that is
Thank you very much, have a great afternoon!