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Web development

Los principios SOLID, una serie de pautas muy útiles para mejorar tu código en programación orientada a objetos. 1.- Principio de responsabilidad única (S): Este principio hace referencia a que cada clase, función o componente que se escriba, debe tener una única tarea a realizar, podemos ejemplificar eso con una llave que está diseñada para …

Los mejores lenguajes de programación para 2023 serán aquellos que puedan adaptarse a las tendencias y necesidades de la industria tecnológica. A continuación, se presentan algunos de los lenguajes de programación más populares que se espera que sean relevantes en 2023. Python: Python es un lenguaje de programación de alto nivel que se ha vuelto …

According to the website of Tobias Van Schenider, one of the most recognized UX / UI experts among the startup world (for example, he was creative director for Spotify and NASA projects), that the fonts are from little-known creators, or independent digital foundries does not mean that they are of poor quality to create ...

True story: About four years ago I was in a hurry due to the rise of the so-called platform-publishers (platishers, if you are a fan of startups) since in theory they were a kind of threat to the conventional blog: the one that one could have in a blogspot free (in your own silo) or in your own domain, with your own hosting ...

After the design and implementation of essential content in a WordPress installation (whether for a semi-static portfolio or the periodic update of a blog or magazine), a very important part of making the website known is optimizing it for search engines. And if you have a self-hosted WordPress, you can get more out of these ...

Although today it may seem that social networks are everything, the truth is the priorities of these services at best change and at worst, they simply disappear. For example, ten years ago it was possible to upload long clips to and today, it no longer exists, since all its ...