Modify the menu This option helps us to change the type of menu, color of the menu bar and sub-menus. 1.-This option is simply to select the menu style, just choose the one you like the most. 2.-It is for the color of the menu bar. 3.-This is mainly to perform ...

Modify the header To modify the header we go to «STEP 2«, on the left side there are several options, which are described in the image below. 1.-It helps us to select the position of the menu. 2.-It is the space assigned to the heading, this is useful to make a separation for the menu or to place the logo. ...

 Create a project in RvSiteBiulder We started our RvSiteBiulder within cPanel. For more information on how to login. Click Here. After that the following page appears in which we will click on the blue button that says: Create a Project. Then a window appears in which we will select the aspects to be ...

To enter our site builder for the first time, it is necessary to follow the following steps: To log in we will have to enter our domain, but how do I start? Simple, in our browser of choice, we place our domain followed by "/ cpanel". Example: my.domain / cpanel We open our browser and write our domain address: Once ...

It is possible that when viewing a .CSV file in Excel it is displayed incorrectly, this is because our "separator" or "delimiter" is not correct. For example, if we have the system in English, the default delimiter of the OS is the semicolon (;) instead of the comma (,) as shown ...

When creating a strong password, it is a good idea to follow these guidelines: Do not do the following: Do not use only words or numbers - You should never use only letters or only numbers in a password Some insecure examples include: 8675309 juan catch me Do not use Recognizable words - Words such as proper names, dictionary words, or ...