It was time! WhatsApp is finally totally safe



It seems incredible, but finally the developers have heard our prayers and WhatsApp will incorporate end-to-end encryption in their covers. This feature was already included in other competing applications, as we already highlighted, for example, in theTelegram analysis. The poor security of this messaging client has been talked about many times in the past. In fact, we even go so far as to give three reasons to stop using WhatsApp.

Yes, privacy improvements were included hiding last connection status, but it wasn't enough. You needed something much more robust, something that really offered confidence, and WhatsApp could not compete in that regard. Even general media such as they echoed the poor security of the platform.

Now finally WhatsApp offers guarantees regarding privacy and they have confirmed it through its official website, something that has been worrying users since Edward Snowden revealed to the public the existence of the NSA's PRISM program. And yet, from now on it seems that all of that is behind us. It seems that at last the most popular messaging application is going to start worrying about the information shared by its users.

What does it mean that WhatsApp incorporates end-to-end encryption?

seguridad whatsapp

In case you do not know how the encryption between points knows, we can say roughly that it consists in that, in case a third person manages to intervene our communications, I could not read the messages, nor see the multimedia content that circulates between the emitter and the receiver. In other words, from what we talk to our friends and family, to the photos and videos we send, they cannot be seen by prying eyes if someone intercepts the conversation.

Encryption is done with a key that is not in the public domain –Although for now we do not know if WhatsApp will know them, after all it is a company owned by Facebook. This means that without this key the content of the messages cannot be decrypted, and therefore cannot be read.

Thanks to this finally WhatsApp you will stop being in the eye of the hurricane for your safety. Now that we finally have full encryption of our messages, we can at least have the feeling that our privacy is going to be more protected.

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