WordPress the definitive CMS for your web pages

If in the world 600 web pages are created every minute and your business still does not have one, something must be doing wrong. Web pages open up a world of opportunities for your business and they become vital if you want to keep up with your competition.

In order to start managing your website you need a CMS, this means, for its acronym in English, Content Management Systems, they are applications created to facilitate all the operations that are necessary to carry out your website. These tools make it possible to design a complete web page with very little programming knowledge.

This is where WordPress comes in, which for years has been the CMS par excellence. This is one of the main tools for creating web pages today. It has several advantages, one of the most important is that it is free source, so fully customized tools can be adapted, another advantage that being open source brings with it is that companies can make software for this tool, the which most of the time is also free and very easy to use.

In addition to all the tools described, it is worth going deeper into the way it is made, its code gives all who use it great attention to the aesthetics and usability of its end users.

Among its most important functionalities we find that it is one of the easiest CMS to install and use, that it supports templates and widgets, as well as the management of add-ons and uploading of attachments such as multimedia, four input states; published, draft, awaiting review and private for the administration of your pages.

It should also be noted that WordPress has several web page themes, this means that it has a folder of templates, previously created designs, that you can use for your page with just a couple of clicks.

But the strong point of WordPress are its plugins, since the available ones that you have to use are unlimited. These plugins add tools that increase the functionality of WordPress considerably. There are both free and paid, but just search for the one you want, install it and activate it to start using them.

But watch out! Kiubix is offering a package that includes the WooCommerce platform, WordPress, Sicofi, Adminit and cPanel all in one, where you will have the opportunity to create and manage your online store like a true professional, do not let your business be left behind and put your online store now, go to https://kiubix.mx/


  • The printing press. (June 28, 2017). Obtained from Every minute 600 web pages are created worldwide. This is how digital our life is: https://www.laprensagrafica.com/economia/Cada-minuto-se-crean-600-paginas-web-en-todo-el-mundo.-Asi-de-digital-es- our-life-20170628-0073.html
  • Tuto Press. (s.f.). Obtenido de ¿Qué es un CMS?: https://www.tutopress.co/blog/que-es-un-cms/#1_%C2%BFQue_es_un_CMS
  • WordPress.org. (June 2, 2020). Retrieved from WordPress.org: https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/#description


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