Your Enemy Within



Although these figures are important, it is known that the reality has a much greater scope since, as Mariela Geier, general director of FTI Consulting, recalls, 90% of cases are not reported. “This is because, as with some crimes, the victim tends to be identified as the culprit and the bloody comment of 'it will be because they deserved it', usually runs from word of mouth from competitors, suppliers and customers, causing more damage to the company than the act itself. Neither the workers want to belong to a fraudulent company, nor do the clients want to be in it, nor do the investors contribute capital”He insists.

Fraud doesn't have to be just financial. The company can be hurt in multiple waysFrom the most obvious, such as fraud, information theft or unfair competition, to the most sibylline, such as the concealment of important data, decision blocking, computer attacks, etc.

Returning to Winterman's study, the vast majority, a 60,86%, suffered some theft(information, financial assets, raw materials, business assets), it is followed in importance by the unfair competition (15,78%) and they close this dishonorable quartet on breach of obligations (10,50%) and the piracy or counterfeiting (10,50%).


It should not be forgotten that fraud, sabotage, and internal boycott in certain cases have a very high emotional component. Because, When it comes to preventing them, the most effective remedy is transparency, motivation and employee loyalty. But there are also some forensic practices that you should put into practice:

Protocol key issues. It establishes in writing who is in charge of what and who is authorized to do what. Select very well who you grant privileges and password to, and establish a constant link with them.

Protect information. Businesses are totally dependent on technology and, just as we protect the office with cameras and alarms, it is necessary to protect sensitive information. It is necessary that it be encrypted and control access to information through privileges and identification of the people who enter ”. Another strategy proposed by this expert is to create demilitarized zones, "that is, areas of incorrect information that cut off the interest of the intruder and help us detect if someone is handling it incorrectly."

Set cross controls. It is the best way to control the most active fraud. It consists of creating two different supervisory bodies for each major operation: that the payment is supervised at the same time by the finance department and the purchasing department, for example.

Anti-fraud tools. It is a measure that is not well regarded in Spain but that since it was put into practice in North American companies they have managed to stop many cases. “It is not about favoring gossip or tip-offs, there is a perfectly procedural architecture that is developed in a very scientific way to avoid the possibilities of vendetta and a bad image. It is what the Anglo-Saxons call whisper blow (blow in whispers) and it is based a little on the philosophy of eliminating the rotten apple so that it does not infect the rest of the basket, ”says Vilamajó.

Do audits. They can be external or internal. It is not necessary to take it to a high level, it is enough to force yourself to do a weekly or biweekly review of the most sensitive departments. As Jean Marc Martínez, EAE professor and founding partner of IDC Consulting insists, "do not wait, continuously inspect your accounts and the most important movements to detect any mismatch"


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