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point of sale

Para realizar una venta en el sistema tendremos que localizar el apartado de Ventas >> Punto de ventas >> Seleccionamos la caja a la cual se le aplicará la venta. Una vez echo esto buscamos el producto que se venderá y lo agregamos. Nos mostrará el producto o productos agregados, en donde podremos cambiar, …

Taxpayers are required to invoice, this is highly reflected in any business or company that needs to issue invoices. For example, you have a business to manufacture face masks and you start selling them online, either on your own page or on another page, for example free market, because there will be many buyers who need an invoice ...

What is Adminit Technology? Have you ever thought how useful a system that manages a large part of your business would be, because you thought correctly it is very useful, if you have or had an accountant because he manages everything financially and the truth makes your work more efficient .

Parallel to the regrettable COVID-19 for Mexican society (and worldwide), there has been a collateral phenomenon: the adoption of electronic commerce in Mexico accelerated, thus overcoming historical issues of mistrust and with hundreds of establishments and / or platforms of payment that have a very valuable asset: the cards of potential clients. To the …

Sales What should I do to process a sale in Adminit? Modules: Sales When you have registered products, optionally customers and optionally taxes / tiers in Adminit, you will be able to process the sales. For this, you will enter the sales module located on the left side menu. This interface will allow you to add products to the cart, change prices, quantities, assign discounts, suspend the sale ...

Product Registration What should I do to register products in Adminit? Modules: Inventory and Kits / Recipes Once you have configured your Adminit (First Steps with Adminit), you must register your products. Before continuing, you will need to register your Categories. Without category it is not possible to register products. In the Inventory module, entering through the left side menu, ...