Facturar ticket de venta con método de pago PPD – Adminit
Cuando tenemos clientes a los cuales les vendemos por linea de crédito, es necesario facturar el ticket de venta con el método de pago PPD(Pago en parcialidades o diferido), en el punto de venta Adminit nos permite realizar este tipo de facturas. Para ello hay que dar clic en Ventas >> Ventas Suspendidas >> Damos …
Pricing rules in the system Adminit
As a company it is important to have promotions on our products, if you already driving for the product quantity or amount of money you can apply discounts on the ticket at the time of finalize the sale, you will help us keep you interested our customers more frequent. To create the pricing rules will click on Settings ...
To open a new cash register in the system Adminit
To manage a better control of our sales, it is important to have boxes, which we will indicate who made the sale, with the money began and ended. If you want to create a new box, just go to Settings >> Branches >> We click edit to the branch to which you will be given ...
Add payment method in the system Adminit
While it is important to have different payment methods at the time you make a sale, it's for the convenience of the client, to create a better sales experience, in addition, it gives quality of service to our users. The system adminit, allows you to create the payment methods that you need for your business, to do this, there is that ...