Stephen Hawking: "The history of mankind is the history of stupidity"

The British physicist explained why he is concerned about the potential that artificial intellect carries and what mistakes they could help rectify.


El profesor Stephen Hawking en rueda de prensa en Londres el 20 de julio de 2015.

The creation of the artificial intellect will be "the best or worst thing that ever happens to humanity," says the renowned physicist Stephen Hawking.

The British scientist gave a conference this week on the occasion of the opening of the Leverhulme Center for the Future of Intelligence at the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), dedicated to the study of possible implications of the development of robots and the artificial intellect.

"We spent a lot of time studying history, which, to be honest, is mostly the story of stupidity," said Hawking, quoted by the portal Science Alert.

However, despite spending so much time analyzing the past mistakes - the scientist lamented - humanity seems to make the same mistakes over and over again.

"So it is nice that people instead get to study the future of the intellect," explained the researcher.

In his lecture Hawking admitted that he is concerned about the «powerful autonomous weapons"And" the new methods of the few to oppress the majority ", which entails the artificial intellect.

At the same time, he warned that if humans start thinking about these issues now, technologies will have the potential to do good.

“Perhaps, with the tools of this new technological revolution, we can alleviate the damage done to nature by the latest, industrialization. And, of course, we will seek to eradicate disease and poverty, ”explained Hawking.


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