Well here is a practical example of how to back up all your databases quickly
Command explanation
- "USER" == User registered in mysql can be root or the one who has permissions
- «PASSWORD» == User password
- «–All-databases» == We indicate the databases to back up (with this backs up all)
- "" == In my case the ip of the server to back up
- «/ Var / BACKUP_MYSQL / mysql-$ (date + \ %d- \ %m- \ %Y) .sql» == The destination path where backup will be saved
We open the console
Practical code
[mysql @ local drive ~] # mysqldump -uUSER -p PASSWORD --all-databases -h> / var / MYSQL_SUPPORT / mysql-$ (date + \ %d- \ %m- \ %Y) .sql
Example with a single database
[mysql @ local drive ~] #mysqldump -uUSER -p PASSWORD -h --databases DATA_BASE_NAME> / var / MYSQL_UPPORT / mysql-$ (date + \ %d- \ 1TPlTD1TY). .com/
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