Spam is any message sent to multiple recipients who did not specifically request such a message.. Because of that, spam is known as junk email.
The spammers generally buy or generate a list of e-mail addresses to which they send the messages. The origin of these messages tend to be "forged," to hide who actually sent them..
To learn more about Spam:
It is one that uses addresses of unknown recipients to send unsolicited messages in large numbers. There are three types of spammers:
Spam User: It is that spammer that use unknown recipient addressesto promote your products and services.
E-mail Deales: It is that spammer that sell lists of email addresses without authorization from their owners.
Spam Dealer: It is that spammer that uses your address lists and sells spam services to a spam user.
The most condemnable are the email dealer and spam dealer as they are those who make a profit through the illicit sale of a product or service. They are true traffickers of the privacy of others and therefore much more harmful than the spamuser. For this reason, e-mail dealers and spam dealers invariably make use of the most various strategies to remain anonymous.
Direct marketing: It is the name that spammers traditionally give to spam. It is a blatant understatement. Marketing, by definition, is the attention to the needs of the client, taking into account their interests and preferences. Obviously, the indiscriminate and insistent use of unknown email addresses, with an expectation of return that hardly reaches a rate of 0.1 percent, does not cover anyone's expectations.. On the contrary, it becomes a great lack of respect for the recipient of the message in addition to congesting the communication channels.
Tools most used by spammers:
Harvesting: It consists of automatically obtaining e-mail addresses from Internet sites through programs called "e-mail collectors" or "e-mail extractors". There are an infinity of these programs, some can be downloaded from the Internet for free, others are sold. It is the activity that supplies the raw material for spam.
Bulk Mailer: Programs for automatic sending of a large number of messages, and that allow the use of open servers.
Crimes frequently committed by spam dealers:
Faced with the natural reaction of society against spam, many spam dealers, who feel their business threatened, resort to illegal acts such as:
E-mail Forgery: Also know as "Email Spoofing«. It consists of masking the sender, placing a false name and address in the sender field of the message. It can be either a non-existent or temporary address, or an address that belongs to someone else. For this reason, care must be taken when marking a sender as spam, as the true origin of the sender must always be verified. IP of the message.
Revenge Spam: Or vindictive spam, is an attack perpetrated by a spammer who uses his e-mail and E-mail Forgery lists (see definition above) to denigrate the image of the e-mail holder used in the forgery. It is the crime of False Identity and Ideological Falsehood of different criminal codes of various countries. It can be reported to any legal entity. In civil justice, it is sensitive to a sentence of payment of compensation for damages and moral damages.
Joe-Job: It is a RevengeSpam attack with the specific objective that the messages returned by wrong addresses reach the supposed sender of the message. This only happens when the servers that receive the emails do not verify the IP of origin of the message, which cannot be forged. The victim and his server are then targets of countless returned emails and can also be erroneously reported in the spam fighting media.
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