What is the SSL Certificate?

A SSL certificate serves to provide security to the visitor of your website, a way to tell your customers that the site is authentic, real and reliable to enter personal data. The acronym SSL responds to the terms in English (Secure Socket Layer), which is a security protocol that makes your data travel in an integral and secure way, that is, the transmission of data between a server and web user, and in feedback, it is fully encrypted or encrypted. The fact that the data travels encrypted, we mean that mathematical algorithms and a system of keys are used that are only identified between the person browsing and the server. By having a reliable SSL certificate, our data is encrypted, at that time we can ensure that no one can read its content. All this leads us to understand that the technology provided by an SSL certificate is the secure transmission of information over the internet, and thus confirm that the data is free from unwanted persons. In order to use an SSL certificate on your website, it is vitally important that the Internet server you have hired supports SSL.

We are in the information age, the user or client needs to trust the transactions carried out through the internet, the SSL certificate ensures that the data is sent to the correct server. An SSL certificate is a technology that provides you with a great online security solution, it helps us to guarantee customers that the site they are visiting is secure; from a simple visit, make purchases or log in.

A SSL certificate implements the preferred web security model, it contains digital keys that protect the integrity of your data when sending and receiving. Servers that run SSL create a path with a unique encryption for private sessions through the Internet, the server's public key is available to anyone. That is why they use a public key and a private key: The public key is to encrypt the information, the private key to decrypt it.

When choosing a SSL certificate You must take into account the desired scope of your website, the audience that will have access and finally the type of session that the user will perform. Currently most web applications and servers support an SSL certificate, that is why we recommend that you analyze in depth the purpose of your website and make an excellent decision regarding SSL certificate.

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