It even happens to Facebook and Google. Spades to a league, takes a moment to load and boom! you have an error screen with a code. The most common is the 404, which is when the exact URL you were looking to enter just doesn't exist.

Depending on the website, you may be redirected to home or have a Error 404. For example, some version of the website of the retailer shoemaker Steve Madden did a kind of editorial with a shocking photo, copy creative and a list of items to at least capture a sale.
While there are websites that put it in a sober way and as a simple mistake, others use it in a humorous way and even to build their branding.
For example, on the Canva blog propose some concepts of graphic design and illustration so that the 404 error is one more ambassador of the spirit of your brand on your site e-commerce.
When building your online store, a mission in which KIUBIX can support you in hosting and even web development, you must be clear about these aspects that help build your brand. For example, 9GAG's is a case of entertainment but its 404 has a clear mission: to download its app.
Every detail counts and every community is different! If your project is more of a magazine or conventional blog (and if so you should check the KIUBIX offer for CMS like WordPress) you can take advantage of the 404 error page to create empathy and even win that some user gladly tweeted a surprise arising from the frustration of going to a lost URL.
Now that you are inspired, take your project to the next level from online store or website and learn about KIUBIX promotions, the mexican hosting service that is changing the way of doing business on the net.
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