Previously we talked about the differences between a VPS hosting service and a basic service, as well as the signs that indicate that you already need one. As if that were not enough, we also talked about all the wonderful things that happen when you decide to migrate to a KIUBIX Smart VPS, and stop worrying about breaking the server ...
Let's make something clear: The iPhone is not a gaming machine. Never. Never. Never. The fact that Dots and Monument Valley can be played does not mean that it is a small portable console. Nor do compass and map apps make your smartphone a dedicated travel companion. First of all, iOS would be ...
Puebla, Puebla. May 23, 2019 (Ciencia MX) .- Applied science in everyday life has generated dazzling technological developments, as demonstrated by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN, for its acronym in French), where when studying the origin of universe, also generated knowledge that led to the development of technology that today ...
A great way to revive some old irons (understand, a very slow personal computer that not even MS Word supports) is to lend it a few more years and mount a Linux on it. I've done that myself on two particular occasions: When I had a laptop that I loved madly, its hard drive died and to check that the rest ...
Returning to a curious fact from the recent history of technology, we can remember when Samsung and Apple faced a fierce battle in court due to the eventual rise of Android devices in general, and the fact that the Galaxy S line began to position itself as an option. competitive (and cheaper) before the then mega ...
Are video games addicting? A UNAM scientist has strong opinions In Mexico, according to a survey by the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) in 2017, approximately 23.5 million people over 7 years of age play video games. Of this figure, 11.7 million people do it through a cell phone and ...
In recent days we talked on Webirix about the 7 signals that your hosting service gives you, when you need to level up. From a shared hosting to a VPS. Grow together with your project and / or business. From talking nice to the server, to 503 errors. So, now that you've decided to improve your life (on the internet, ...
It is already known that before Huawei's legal problems with the United States government, due to alleged back doors that would threaten international security, Google decided to break ties with the Chinese shipowner in relation to the use of the improved Android operating system from the Californian company . Android, being free to use, of ...
When you think about the representation of tech companies and entrepreneurs within fiction, the first current reference is usually the HBO series, Silicon Valley that takes an exaggerated and almost parodic approach around start-up culture. But there is another series, released around the same time, that takes a dramatic fiction approach ...
The trade war between the United States and China collaterally impacts smartphone end users. The main blow against the second largest phone manufacturer in the world, Huawei, comes from Google since it has not yet backtracked on its plan to cancel the user license ...
The old sea lions with websites, know that there are two types of projects: Those with modest visits and occasional peaks. Simple but yielding. Those who, jot down this phrase, suffer from success. Their traffic is so great that they start to hiccup! In that spirit, we share 7 signs that you will surely locate if you wear something ...
The corporate world is sometimes complicated. There are recalcitrant competitors who are partners in certain regions or even own part of the other. Or they have second-level ties through relevant shareholders with shares in both companies (or funds with investments in both). The case of Uber is curious, between ...
One of the most aided narratives in the midst of the Huawei debacle by the United States government is that recent events (its break with ARM, Intel, Microsoft and Google) would benefit Apple due to the increasingly relevant role of the Chinese manufacturer in the face of Western consumers. In a United States where Apple has ...
In another post we explain when it is necessary to grow from a shared web host to a VPS, which is basically when your traffic or queries are so much that you need a more powerful option without spending as much as a dedicated server. VPS vs Shared Hosting vs Dedicated Server, what are the differences? Thinking of all ...
GoPro is older than you might think. From its beginnings in 2002, when they sold covers and tapes for cameras from other brands, until 2004 when the first Hero model with 35-millimeter analog film emerged. It was until 2014, with many Facebook ads included, that the revolutionary Hero 3 took to the market for ...
If I ask you, do you remember the times of Windows XP ?, a series of memories will probably come to your head that are invariably 1) chaotic, 2) with familiarity of simpler times. The times of massive adoption of XP, at least in Mexico, were from the dawn of the not so new millennium (let's think 2001 - 2002), when ...
We launched a new section on Webirix that could also be called Books That Changed My Life, as cheesy as it sounds. Rompe la Barrera del No (Spanish version) or Never Split the Difference (in English) is a book (relatively short) that is part of the trend of combining self-help advice with business theory, ...
One of the most frequent questions for newbies (like your server insurance) on the subject of electric cars is the cost of charging them, and if you can even do that at home. In which case, is it really cheaper than spending on gasoline? In the video above, one of the few vloggers ...
This falls into a very particular category, it is called problems we want. When you start on the internet (be it your blog or your company's website) there comes a point where you die of success. How is that? It happens that you are receiving so many visits and requests that eventually you will need more power so that no request is lost ...
Immersed in the routine of work, it can be difficult to have the time or head to have new habits. And even more, that they are positive habits. For example, ironically something not so healthy (like starting to eat junk food because you don't have time, or spending more on eating out) is easier to normalize and make it a habit, than ...
Huawei is in a peculiar situation: in the United States they are seen from a distance and as a Chinese curiosity that is sold in developing markets. While the economic situation of North Americans allows the iPhone to have a market penetration of more than 40% against a world 15.8% and almost 5% in ...
The new Webirix, true to the spirit in which it was founded, is about recommending the genius of the internet with a comprehensive vision. The logic is simple: There is for everyone! And in that spirit, we will be recommending content, books, applications, products and experiences that (we hope) add to your daily life. This time we will start with a ...
Microsoft's Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) gives the ability to remotely manage Windows computers over a network connection. Use Remote Desktop on your Windows PC, in Linux you can use a client like remmina On Windows: Configure the PC you want to connect to so that it allows remote connections:…
Check out this article. YOUR SALES ARE GOING TO SPOIL! Written by: Jesús Aparicio When working as a Community Manager or in the Social Media area, it is important to realize that there is life and opportunities beyond Facebook (believe it or not). In this article we show you 3 tips to implement in your strategy ...