The humanistic and creative spirit that is breathed in the best video game developer in the world, Nintendo, translates into great details within its most famous titles. From the references to the Nintendo 64 (in 1993) within The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening or the one that Red plays with a Super Nintendo in Pokémon ...
A customer can go to a rival business if they do not feel good rewarding for a store, whether it is just starting to be a customer or if it is a recurring one. That's why loyalty strategies, ranging from coupons to discount coupons, are essential. To begin with, if your business does not consent to your ...
An interesting phenomenon arises in Venezuela: it has been a fertile field for recruitment by technology companies that are looking for human drivers to complete the training of their artificial intelligences. The story, here: Desperate to work, Venezuelans have discovered a new group of online crowdworking platforms. These companies, like Mighty AI, Playment, Hive ...
Reviews of the new iPhones for 2019 have already been published and, as in most years, the results are predictable: It's the best iPhone, until the next one comes out. The difference is primarily in the A13 chip over the already fast A12 The cameras of the three models (11, 11 ...
Bill Gates has never been and will never be recognized as a visionary and esthete, a legacy that belongs to the late Steve Jobs. The former Microsoft CEO is rather admired for having been a ruthless executive in times when personal computing was synonymous with Windows, plus a huge second act as a company philanthropist ...
Given the recent news of deaths from vaping, or the use of electronic cigarettes, a scientist from UNAM explains the risks of this way of smoking. The researcher at the Institute of Nuclear Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Roberto Sussman, attributed the deaths of electronic cigarette users in the United States ...
Eugenio Garza Sada, a businessman from Monterrey who founded the Cuauhtémoc Brewery and the group that would eventually become part of your daily life through carbonated drinks and convenience stores, had his mourning anniversary on September 17. So, it is a good time to remember your ideology for professional and personal growth, for that ...
11 years ago, Apple had already changed everything with the first version of the iPhone (without the App Store and with 2G) and was preparing to bring the paradigms that still govern the smartphone market (now, with the App Store moderated and controlled since Cupertino), but a cheaper option was hardly entering the market, ...
We read on Business Insider that streaming has been, in a way, the savior of record company finances. Especially those that have a great catalog of hits from yesteryear. Think Sony ATV with the music of The Beatles or the record label Island (Universal) with the hits of The Killers. This itself is ...
By James Temple, via MIT Tech Review As much as we manage to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions (if we ever do), the greenhouse gas effect can persist for thousands of years. To prevent temperatures from reaching dangerous levels, the world will have to eliminate up to 1 trillion tons ...
The Fact: The problem is not playing video games, but the lack of control over schedules. Especially in children. Online video games are not bad, your risk lies in the time you spend on them. Users spend more than seven hours a day, to the point of becoming addicted, leaving aside ...
The pioneering Mexican study in the sequencing of the complete genome of avocado (Persea americana variety drymifolia) was presented by doctors Luis Herrera Estrella and Alfredo Herrera Estrella, researchers from the Centro de Investigación de Estudios Avanzados (Cinvestav) Zacatenco unit of the National Polytechnic Institute ( IPN), whose results could change the cultivation process of this fruit. In the …
Artificial intelligence (AI) has outperformed humans at a variety of tasks, from video games to facial recognition. But there are still a multitude of things that are bad for him. The next big goal for AI researchers is to develop a more general system that performs well against many tasks in place ...
We share the SAT decalogue to be good Mexicans in fiscal material: I can be reached at the addresses that I have registered with the SAT. I always have a positive and up-to-date opinion on the fulfillment of my tax obligations, and I also regularly request such an opinion from my suppliers and, where appropriate, from my customs broker. ...
Keto diets and intermittent fasting are not very effective and have consequences on health, warns Raquel Valenzuela Argüelles, nutritionist at the Directorate of Sports Medicine at UNAM, given the popularity they have recently acquired. In the first place, said the specialist, “this type of diet has a surname: hyperproteic. Its base is the ...
UNAM, through the Institute of Physics, is home to the first ultra high vacuum and low temperature tunneling microscope (STM LT-UHV), designed entirely by university researchers. After seven years of work and the experience of researcher Carlos Javier Villagómez Ojeda, this year it was inaugurated. The device will allow ...
There are two things that are penalized for better or worse in today's society: Being a stingy: or too fixated on costs, prices and monetary amounts. Especially if it is about sharing with others, although it is serious to be too austere in yourself. Being a waste: Spending too much on useless things or on ...
To begin with, it is the 256th day of the year. Why is this day celebrated today? A worker from the Parallel Technologies company, Valentin Balt, proposed to celebrate this day to the Russian government in 2002. It was chosen on September 13 or 12 in leap year because it is the number that represents the different combinations ...
Apple announced the next step, as in every October, of its mobile devices. With the ever-present threat from Huawei, and token competition from Google with the Pixels, the Cupertino company has lagged several years behind in mass audience tastes and in-store preferences. First of all, since ...
Although the days are far behind when the personal computer is dominated by Windows, since that honor was given in the days of XP and today it belongs to the Android marketshare if we take cell phones into account, without a doubt Microsoft's OS continues to the head if we are purists and we see the ...
Business meetings are continually used to resolve conflicts. If done effectively, they become a great tool, although if not done cautiously they can create more problems than they solve. It is or is wrong with junctitis Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) place Mexico as a leader ...
The choice of the mode of transport during the holidays can depend on several factors, among which are the travel distance, the specific characteristics of the trip, the safety and accessibility and the cost. Travelers choose between different means of transport based on these criteria and considering CO2 emissions a ...
Brainstorming or brainstorming is a creative process in which ideas are discussed and compared. During this type of meeting, he talks about all the proposals that the team members come up with, with the aim of solving a specific problem or applying them to a project or job. ...
We share a short text on the impact of climate change on our planet: A few years ago we talked about climate change and the problem it would cause in the world, but today we cannot ignore the damage that already exists and what actions we have to take to counteract existing damage. ...