One of the wonders of having your website in WordPress, in a good web hosting service, is the existence of a brilliant community of geeks who usually release their knowledge, either in practical advice, collecting the news so that they do not catch us in curve the big updates or with the best ...
Parallel to the regrettable COVID-19 for Mexican society (and worldwide), there has been a collateral phenomenon: the adoption of electronic commerce in Mexico accelerated, thus overcoming historical issues of mistrust and with hundreds of establishments and / or platforms of payment that have a very valuable asset: the cards of potential clients. To the …
In this time where competition in online markets is at its peak, businessmen and entrepreneurs are looking for solutions that provide them with a much better position than their competitors and, in this way, they can win in this market of constant innovation. That is why Adminit is here to support you ...
The moment that we are all living marks a new stage in history, it is a change that had not been experienced in modern times with such force, but, just as it presents a threat, it also brings several opportunities, one of them is to be able to enter in e-commerce with your own online store, it is ...
Due to the current crisis, many things had to stop, the cinemas, for example, are currently closed and, despite the fact that little by little they will seek to return to normality, there is still a long time for this to be completed. On the other side of the coin are all the things that had to follow ...
Although you are decided that you will open your online store in OpenCart, it may be that you still do not have notions about how it works and what needs to be done to get it running as quickly as possible. It is for these reasons that we decided to tell you about the steps to follow to create ...
It is well known that all businesses want to reach more, they want to be bigger in order to offer a better product or service, but whenever you think about growing you have to set your sights first on increasing sales, since, if you don't sell more, you won't get the money you need to ...
There is constant talk that crises bring the best opportunities, for example, now online store services offer discounts, even supermarkets triple their attendance in online stores and all these offers are fine, but what better way to find offers that help your business or company cope ...
Something that education has shown us is that it does not stop for nothing, the clearest example is the situation we live in, where, despite advancing the April holidays, classes continue, and will continue to do so. Well, what's next for the companies that are in charge of teaching classes and by arrangement ...
From times when education was completely classical, where the use of technology could not be seen for anything other than the growing industry, until now, where we can see students in classrooms full of computers, projectors or interactive screens. As with the other disciplines, education continues to advance with the ...
Changes in the price of the dollar directly affect the Mexican economy, there is no doubt about that. The constant dependence we have on our northern neighbor forces us to suffer with him, his crises, but not always his profits. Such was the case of the fall in the price of oil, where the United States ...
As most of you know, electronic commerce or E-commerce is about the buying and selling of goods or services through what can be social networks and other web pages, but how do they work? And even more importantly, how can we take advantage of them? To introduce ourselves, the best practice is to open ...
Thanks to information technologies, it is no longer necessary to leave home to access a stable job and this trend is on the rise, more and more companies and employees decide that it is more convenient for the work to be done from the worker's home . The home office brings many benefits between ...
With these times, any useful tool that can help companies to continue operating despite how difficult it can become for some, is vital, in other words, it can save your company. To begin we have to define what E-learning is, and then talk about how platforms can be used ...
The topic that everyone talks about, the coronavirus, may seem a limitation for all workers or entrepreneurs to carry out their productive activities, but is there a company that offers solutions to these problems? This is the case of KIUBIX, which for the time that the pandemic offers a promotion that ...
With the advances that are had every day in technology, knowing that it is a VPS can help your business, or project to take the next step in terms of the performance of your website. First of all, let's define what a VPS is, because the first thing you'll see ...
With more than 29 million views, Mechanical Engineer Salvador Centeno Estrada, professor at the Faculty of Engineering (FI) of UNAM, has managed to captivate his audience through his YouTube channel (Salvador FI Faculty of Engineering). video classes. It was in 2008 when he decided to share his knowledge on the Google platform. Your channel promotes ...
Goodbye to cash in Mexico? In this post we solve the most common doubts about Digital Collection (CoDi), the mobile payment platform that is fully supported by Banco de México. BACKGROUND The launch of the pilot program to launch CoDi, which is a system developed by ...
One of the skills most sought after by entrepreneurs and professionals is to expose well. Whether in front of a large public or on the board of directors, there are not a few who tend to have problems being concrete, having attractive visuals and not even sleeping with their voice. Adolfo Nittoli, coach with a neutral accent and the voice of ...
A visual style that does not go out of style is that of duotone images, which have one of their lightest in Spotify advertising in which stock photographs have been intervened to show graphics in green and dark tones, exclusively. Although it is not a new trend, and for years ...
For years it has been said that procrastination is something to avoid within the work environment, under the logic that it is better to do things once and for all. However, there are also recent and favorable theories for procrastinators: procrastinating can have a positive cash for work. Each head is a world, …
A lot of office work, thanks to cloud technologies, can be done remotely, but there is still some reluctance on the part of owners and co-workers regarding the effectiveness of this modality of collaboration. In Fast Company we read some tips for remotes (either full time or freelance), with the ...
Adrián López and Marte Cázarez are two innovative from Guadalajara who invented a skin made of nopal, with the aim of creating a garment that was friendly to the environment, breathable, durable and, above all, that was not extracted from animals. "If there are many products with cosmetic properties based on cactus, why not create ...
On a day like today (September 30) but in 1993, the first search engine for the web was launched: AliWeb. Aliweb preceded, as an idea and a product, the two 90s icons of the web organization: Yahoo and Google. Despite that, and as often happens in the history of web services, be ...