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The last thing

In Harvard Business Review we found a super interesting read about how 60 business leaders convince their team of their ideas and even make the detractors of their ideas change their minds. Boost your project on the web with the best Mexican hosting This research took place while Ryan Yu…

In marketing and entrepreneurship blogs we usually read an entry that is repeated season after season: the so-called tips or maxims to achieve the desired productivity. These tips, which we can see even by legendary entrepreneurs on their own sites or on Medium, sometimes do not consider the hustle in which several are living. ...

One of the most important points when you want your potential customers to buy, or for your customers to make a purchase again, is the shopping experience. This is no stranger to online businesses, but it is one of the most neglected at the moment ...

Competition is everywhere, and it is not for nothing that we find it in digital markets. From trying to offer faster shipments, or a better quality of the product, sellers are always thinking about how to stand out from other companies, but an aspect that is usually left at the end and has great relevance ...

In a listening to the 'Cracks' podcast on creativity and marketing, Mexican publicist Pico Covarrubias mentioned to the host (Oso Trava) about how the philosophy of 'The Four Agreements' and how it has served him in managing the staff of his agency of marketing. 'The Four Agreements' come from the homonymous book of the Mexican writer ...

Pandemic times in Mexico have accelerated, apart from the rise of electronic commerce and the use of payment methods beyond cash, a massive adoption of online education. If we are flexible and somewhat broad, we can even consider that a good part of YouTube has a didactic or educational element. Let's go to …

Every year, new trends in web design and usability emerge that are introduced to the mainstream and are later copied (usually by studios or firms in South Asia) to be sold as WordPress templates. Precisely, in the spirit of pursuing the new in design, it is difficult to choose a suitable theme for the most popular CMS of the ...

Paul Rulkens is a productivity expert whose theories are applied by companies such as the oil company Exxon and the consulting firm McKinsey. From an engineering background, Rulkens has established himself as a respected author of business books and rose to mainstream fame thanks to a TEDx talk about why most ...

Gerardo Ojeda is a developer at KIUBIX, currently working on the Kearnit project, a learning and education platform on the cloud, fully developed in KIUBIX. In the following interview, part of our series the humans behind KIUBIX, we spoke with him to learn more about the project and also about his way of ...

Genaro Delgado Montalvo is a co-founder of Cyberwag and Maker Center, in addition to being a specialist in cybersecurity, technology business development, and passionate about sharing his knowledge through mentoring and collaborations with high-impact companies. He is currently a resident of the Aguascalientes Information Technology Cluster: InnovaTIA, period 2019-2021, and ...

Previously at Webirix we have explored the opportunities that arise around the current problem with COVID-19. From being more efficient in managing your business to find out about new trends among your consumers, to ideas to promote yourself now that an important sector has adopted the habit of consuming online. Is he …

Although you know that electronic commerce is imposing throughout the world, it may be that you are not aware of how advanced it is in Mexico, with which this data or group of data will help you realize that it may be that you are being left behind in the whole thing of ...

One of the best kept secrets of WordPress, the content management system (or CMS, for the initiated), is its ability to have services and functionalities that until a few years ago were premium and specialized, basically a gift from Automattic (the company developed by in the form of a plugin. For example, while having a ...

In about 5 years now, the open web has had a small schism courtesy of two tech giants (Facebook and Google). The idea of flash pages is to use a minimal structure and information (let's think about what an RSS reader shows us for lack of a better analogy) to quickly display the ...

Seth Godin is a marketing expert and serial entrepreneur who in the last decade has become a benchmark in business education. With volumes like Tribes and the Purple Cow, down to simple terms marketing lessons (gained from years of experience) for creators and marketers of all ...

If you are under 20 years old, e-commerce has been present in your life since you began to have purchasing power. Maybe it was not so popular at first, but those enthusiasts who went to the web to find their products with the best price, in the best promotions or simply because not ...

One of the most peculiar, if not strange, aspects of generating a collective blog in WordPress is that so far there is no official support to generate users or aliases without having to "pretend" to generate a new account for someone else. This is how the most common way, if we are administrators of a ...

The COVID-19 pandemic, some experts say, dramatically advanced the adoption of e-commerce in Mexico. If we go to insane extremes, the Mexican custom (which requires payments in Oxxo, deposits in branch and distrust to enter data) is closer to the Japanese one (where their online services are paid in a 7-Eleven) ...

Although these days social networks seem to be the main channel to get closer to customers, the truth is that the final step will always be on your own platform on the internet. Tomorrow, Facebook or Instagram may fail, disappear or radically change, so you must think that your URL (address of ...

Brand awaraness or brand recognition is the next step after having developed a great product or service to sell. Let's see it, to clear up doubts and move on to the main topic, on these two edges: You offer a service either creative such as generating personalized illustrations by hand, or something manual ...

The world changed radically due to the arrival of this new virus, but the most significant effects have to do with people's behavior. Although the majority stayed at home, this did not prevent them from stopping consuming the products they want, on the contrary, by spending more time at home ...

Many times we think about starting a business. Now with digital tools the task can be made easier. You don't even need to have a physical store, which would generate huge costs, instead you can invest in tools that, if they generate value for you easily and quickly, you only need to know what your ...

If you have been writing content for CMS like WordPress for a couple of years, the term Markdown will sound familiar to you, which is a writing method for the web, officially supported by Automattic and and which is the favorite of several professional bloggers in America. Latina, as well as pioneers in the US such as the creator of WP:…

Pandemic times have forced many Mexicans to stop some side jobs that involved going out for a few hours to increase their income, but that does not mean that the battle to increase the fortnight is lost. The times of confinement can bring attractive benefits by saving money that was destined for constant social outings, gasoline and food ...

