It goes without saying that the scope that an online store can be many times that of a physical store, that is to say, that with a virtual store it can reach double or triple the customers that it would usually have in the store that it is. on the premises and pay rent between ...
The process of transforming a physical store to an online one can take some time and a lot of planning on the part of the administrators, both of the business and those of the web, which also usually happens when starting a business with an online store. but once opened there is a lot of work to do ...
Many of us have heard about electronic invoicing, and of course, if it came to revolutionize the world of tax collection, for the state, and the way in which taxes are paid, for taxpayers. Due to this great importance is that we decided to bring this article so you know why they are so important and ...
Previously on Webirix we have talked about the theories of Seth Godin, an academic and entrepreneur who today is considered one of the most important philosophers in the world of marketing. His books, as short as they are interesting, have the common thread that modern marketing must stop being so rigid ...
On this occasion we chatted with Juan Manuel Ávila, CEO of Top Energy Mexico, who spoke to us in depth about the current challenges of the country in terms of renewable energy and the advantages of installing solar panels for entrepreneurs, since Aguascalientes has a unique position about. In addition, he shared with us the challenges that ...
According to a survey by consulting firm McKinsey (reported by Forbes), "more than 90 percent of executives said they expected the fallout from COVID-19 to fundamentally change the way they do business over the next five years." Less than 30% of the executives surveyed expressed feeling confident that they are prepared to face the changes ...
What to understand: Mobile application development is a fast-evolving present, but it has a promising future. According to a study by App Annie, which is the authority on statistics on Apps, during the first quarter of 2020 the hours of use of mobile applications increased ...
Something was clear: a job skill that became extremely desirable since February / March of this 2020 has been to be a proactive worker from home and without further complication to comply with or attend to remote tasks, and its counterpart: being an efficient boss with the staff scattered in their homes. Take your project ...
The ravages of the pandemic will not have a clean slate if the COVID-19 vaccine is massively implemented in 2021, but rather they have revealed to companies ways of working that could range from a perception of more efficiency (to cost of workers spending their own resources ...
In large companies, the departments of marketing, public relations, advertising and even internal communication are usually differentiated, while startups usually combine these positions even in a single area, if not even in a single person. But it is worth locating, for a better performance of advertising campaigns, that until ...
Although nowadays WordPress empowers a 30% on the web, being a banner of the free internet and a kind of antiFacebook (they are a private company that finances free software, optionally offering payment options), we must not forget that its origins are like a CMS for blogs. That is why even though I know ...
The importance of job recycling is growing, and this is stated by the World Economic Forum (WEF), which states that 54% of the world's workers will need to update their skills before 2022. The health and economic crises of COVID-19, generate greater interest in adapting to the labor market, both to access ...
Companies such as Google and Facebook, which have some data on trends, do not consider that their campuses have the occupation of last year at least until the summer of 2021. That is, as long as there are no massive and public vaccination programs against 2019, we will have to leave the novelty of the world with meetings of ...
A recurring theme in recent weeks at Webirix has been how much the world is changing for entrepreneurs and small businesses, as well as professionals who have to deal with several new realities at the same time (homeschooling, work from home and more) and take advantage of the time to train or earn an income ...
The world of e-commerce is a very competitive market, with thousands of pages being opened every day, it is difficult to know if you sell more than the competition, for this reason the administrators of these pages are usually staunch researchers and they try to apply the majority of techniques. It is for this reason that we bring to ...
Some theories speak of 5 or 10 categories of consumers, but the most extreme include them in 3 large schemes, according to neuroeconomics, according to their way of spending (not so much for their motivations). These basic archetypes are easily identifiable, and you can fit into one of these boxes yourself, but the good thing is ...
A small file, packed with values in a relatively simple language (or at least more so than PHP) allows you to do wonders for customizing a free WordPress template or even unlocking the potential of a paid-licensed theme. These are the Cascade Style Sheets or Cascade Style Sheet, which is a…
In Harvard Business Review we found a super interesting read about how 60 business leaders convince their team of their ideas and even make the detractors of their ideas change their minds. Boost your project on the web with the best Mexican hosting This research took place while Ryan Yu…
In marketing and entrepreneurship blogs we usually read an entry that is repeated season after season: the so-called tips or maxims to achieve the desired productivity. These tips, which we can see even by legendary entrepreneurs on their own sites or on Medium, sometimes do not consider the hustle in which several are living. ...
One of the most important points when you want your potential customers to buy, or for your customers to make a purchase again, is the shopping experience. This is no stranger to online businesses, but it is one of the most neglected at the moment ...
Competition is everywhere, and it is not for nothing that we find it in digital markets. From trying to offer faster shipments, or a better quality of the product, sellers are always thinking about how to stand out from other companies, but an aspect that is usually left at the end and has great relevance ...
In a listening to the 'Cracks' podcast on creativity and marketing, Mexican publicist Pico Covarrubias mentioned to the host (Oso Trava) about how the philosophy of 'The Four Agreements' and how it has served him in managing the staff of his agency of marketing. 'The Four Agreements' come from the homonymous book of the Mexican writer ...
Pandemic times in Mexico have accelerated, apart from the rise of electronic commerce and the use of payment methods beyond cash, a massive adoption of online education. If we are flexible and somewhat broad, we can even consider that a good part of YouTube has a didactic or educational element. Let's go to …
Every year, new trends in web design and usability emerge that are introduced to the mainstream and are later copied (usually by studios or firms in South Asia) to be sold as WordPress templates. Precisely, in the spirit of pursuing the new in design, it is difficult to choose a suitable theme for the most popular CMS of the ...