The process of transforming a physical store to an online one can take some time and a lot of planning on the part of the administrators, both of the business and those of the web, which also usually happens when starting a business with an online store. but once opened there is a lot of work to be done. Although it works, it appears to generate income and other business health factors, surely the time will come where you think about what the next step is, that is where these challenges come into play.
The challenges are innumerable, but one of the most attacked by the most traditional means, the "competition" is the security of the transactions. Although large stores such as Amazon in the United States or Mercado libre in all of Latin America have very complex systems to protect the security of user payment data, there are many online stores that do not have a system dedicated to the security of their site.
The most basic and effective way to protect all the data that passes through the web is an SSL certificate, which is also the most recognized. It can be easily identified just by looking at the beginning of the URL in our favorite browser in the form of a padlock, this means that the page has its SSL certificate, which in turn has a system which maintains an encryption with specific keys . If it does not have this measure, any person could access the data of the online store, including payment data.
Another important point is the distribution of the product. Most customers seek to have their products at the lowest cost but as long as it does not take too long to arrive, many times this is a deciding factor between whether to make the purchase or not. Logistics is always tricky, but maintaining healthy practices will keep customers from waiting too long.
A good way to do this is to maintain a base inventory, so that when it reaches a low number, this product is restocked, so if it takes time to arrive or to produce it, there is enough inventory to be able to be shipped.
All these tips go to the same end, to improve the customer experience, which is very necessary today, since the trend of young people is not to stay with a brand, but to go looking from brand to brand to identify which one best satisfies their Demands around all the aforementioned aspects, for this reason improving the shopping experience will greatly increase the chances that that customer will buy and even better, that they will buy again.
Do not get left behind in the practices of the businesses that are staying afloat, upload your products to an online store take advantage of that KIUBIX is offering a package that includes the WooCommerce, WordPress, SICOFI and Adminit platform all in one, where you will have the opportunity to create and manage your online store like a true professional, this with the help of a expert in web page design, with a system of automatic billing and for a much lower price than renting a place, do not let your business be left behind and create your online store now, enter[1][2][3]

[1] (2020, July 6). The three main challenges of e-commerce and how to solve them. It recovered on August 19, 2020 from
[2] (2020, March 6). Trends and challenges for ecommerce in Mexico this 2020. It recovered on August 19, 2020 from
[3] (nd). KIUBIX. It recovered on August 19, 2020 from
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