We will start by assessing the criteria to identify the area and then, as in a zoom, detail the conditions and move the cursor of our commercial mouse closer to locating the perfect place.
Who is your client and where is it. Continuing with Sandoval, it is essential to locate your customer very well: where he is, who he is and what his buying habits are and to choose the place based on these three parameters. "There are great international brands, such as Ralph Lauren, that have not yet opened their own store in Madrid because they have not found the ideal place." Indeed, depending on the type of product you want to sell, you have to go to one area or another. If you want to open a super-luxury clothing store, your store must be in the so-called golden miles of the big cities. If what you are going to sell is cheaper clothes, you should go to more popular neighborhoods or shopping centers.
When it comes to professional offices or service companies, you should also take into account where your clients are, who can provide them and how they can locate you. Thus, for example, if you are an agency or a labor consultancy, it is convenient for you to locate yourself near delegations of the Treasury, Social Security or any other headquarters of a public Administration that has to do with your activity. But if the services are more to be carried out in company, that is, those that are given in the clients' offices, the location will depend on the image you want to give, but it does not have to be close to your users.
It is necessary to differentiate between clients that are companies and private clients. Among the first, the contact will be made through the Internet, advertising or commercial promotion, with which many times the location will be indifferent. In this case, as Daniel Soriano, professor of Entrepreneurial Management at IE Business School, explains, the location of the office will be important to retain qualified personnel, “who, given two similar offers, may be inclined towards the job that is more central or with better access to the office ”.
When your client is an individual, then you must go where he is. Thus, if your audience is high / medium-high level, your offices should be in the area of action where they are and adapt to the image you want to give.
It is a very marketing term, but it reflects very well the analysis that must be carried out. As Carles Torrecilla, ESADE Marketing professor, explains, “just as we see isobars over our country on weather maps, it is convenient to make a kind of isochrone map over the place”.
The isochron comes to establish the amount of people or population that are at a certain time distance. That is, what is the isochron at a five minute walk? 10 minutes? Less than five minutes by car? 10 minutes by metro? By bike, by bus, on foot, by car, by subway ... "These isochrones help us to establish what type of audience we are closest to and how accessible we are going to be for that group that represents our target audience," insists Torrecilla. You can do it on a map or in situ. From the place that interests you, walk in all directions for five or 10 minutes and check what kind of neighborhood you are in. Repeat the work with your car and verify that the isochrones correspond to your objective.
This is a very common strategy to analyze the traffic that passes in front of your local future. It consists of standing in front of the site and counting the people who pass during a certain time slot. To do it well, it is necessary to count in all the commercial strips and analyze what type of traffic is passing through there.
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