The Apple Watch, which just a few years ago launched an entirely new line of products for Apple, has failed to position itself as a commodity. fashion or a luxury consumer favorite, which is why Swiss watchmakers are sleeping soundly… for the moment.
What has been achieved with the Watch is Apple's entry into the health industry strongly, due to its status as a nanocomputer and wereable they make it an ideal candidate for monitoring vital signs and processing valuable information.
A few months ago we already knew the functions of the Watch as a device to have electrocardiograms, but the novelty now is its complementary use for measure glucose. While Apple is not a developer and director producer of One Drop, the technology that relies on iOS for accurate diabetic sugar readings, is supporting its use through a prominent place in the physical and virtual stores of the block.
By means of a light dose of blood, a prick (5 microliters), and strips with proprietary technology (which would in theory be unlimited by a subscription service), the complementary gadget of $70 USD would share the measurement with Watch, iPhone and apps. Apple Touch for accurate registration.
The main advantage would be portability, design and information analysis, in addition to the fact that Apple indicates that it outperforms any similar product on the market.
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