It goes without saying that the scope that an online store can be many times that of a physical store, that is to say, that with a virtual store it can reach double or triple the customers that it would usually have in the store that it is. on the premises and pays rent among other services. It is for these reasons that not only medium and small companies are entering the digital market, but also large companies.
Such is the case of Chilim Balam, a franchise chain that had to close most of its current 99 points of sale for three months due to the pandemic. The adaptation of the franchise was so fast that in less than a week the online store received orders even in states where they do not have a branch.
This is a clear example of how even companies that are managed on large scales, such as branches or sales levels, can benefit from opening an online store, the important thing is the speed with which they adapt to change.
It is not even necessary that they be businesses that enter the web market, such is the case of Walmart, which, despite having its online store for some time, carried out an extensive campaign to be able to publicize that its system It was safe, and, above all, that their products were rigorously processed at the time of shipment so that customers felt more comfortable about the virus.
These changes in focus produced that this last quarter they reported a 79% of profit or profit after doubling their online sales. Although the stimuli from the American government had something to do with it, the way in which most of the purchases were made was through its web platform, showing that even large corporations need to adjust their campaigns, and thus, be able to generate greater profits. .
It also shows us that it is not enough to publish an online store, although it has many benefits, it takes a lot of strategy and most businesses that start in the world of e-commerce cannot afford a specialist, but do not be discouraged yet. , We have something special for you.
Do not get left behind in the practices of the businesses that are staying afloat, upload your products to an online store take advantage of that KIUBIX is offering a package that includes the WooCommerce, WordPress, SICOFI and Adminit platform all in one, where you will have the opportunity to create and manage your online store like a true professional, this with the help of a expert in web page design, with a system of automatic billing and for a much lower price than renting a place, do not let your business be left behind and create your online store now, enter[1][2][3]

[1] (nd). KIUBIX. It recovered on August 23, 2020 from
[2] (2020, July 16). E-commerce, Chilim Balam's bet against Covid | The …. It recovered on August 23, 2020 from
[3] (2020, August 18). Walmart shoots a 79% its quarterly profit after doubling…. It recovered on August 23, 2020 from
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