The importance of labor recycling grows, and this is stated by the World Economic Forum (WEF), which states that a 54% of the world's workers will need upgrade your skills before the year 2022.
The health and economic crises of COVID-19 generate greater interest in adapting to the labor market, both to access it and to stay within it. A report by the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) foresees that, as in previous recessions, there will be a reactivation of continuous training in these first phases of the period of uncertainty and recommends that workers reconsider the professional aspects that need to be improved.
If your company or yourself as a professional, you are looking to offer an online course you must know Kearnit, the Mexican LMS that allows you to create in a friendly way (and even in a free version) your own version of a course in the Udemy or Doméstika style.
Employees value the investment
But the researchers also reflect the interest of workers to continue learning. The 75% of the respondents would take a course suggested by their direct boss, according to a LinkedIn study, which confirms that the commitment to the company is also greater if there are plans of this type: the 94% of the workforce would be more time in a company if you invest more in your learning and development.
Ikigai: the Japanese technique for professional reinvention
Àngels Fitó, professor of Economics and Business Studies at the UOC, also believes that, in times of crisis like this, changes in career path are common. "We have more time to reflect on what fulfills us or what we are most passionate about, and channel our efforts towards paths that we had not yet traveled," he says in an article released by the university.
The confinement of employees in their homes due to the state of alarm could become for many in the space for the change of course through self-knowledge. This is what Montse Pujada, a coach specialized in professional reinvention, believes, who puts into practice the Japanese Ikigai technique to find a personal balance that goes through the professional: «We live disconnected from ourselves. If we are thanking the break, what does it tell us? ». It is, he exposes, "a research work on oneself" to be able to find the professional path that best suits the strengths of each person.
«If we could all dedicate ourselves to something that we were passionate about, Imagine how much satisfaction and how many people would feel fulfilled!»He exclaims. Pujada rejects the labor world of "misunderstood competitiveness" or lack of confidence and is committed to complementing "fundamental" technical skills with so-called "soft" skills.
Kearnit is a Learning Management System ideal too so that you can offer your trainings online.
"I would choose to work someone with whom I had a personal connection: with empathy, humility, who knows how to recognize mistakes and with a desire to learn," she specifies. Also, the professor of Economics and Business Studies is committed to the self-knowledge to advance in the professional career and to develop transversal competences such as the ability to work in a team, emotional intelligence or analytical thinking.
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