Login to rvsitebuilder for the first time


To enter our site builder for the first time, it is necessary to follow the following steps:

To start session we will have to enter our domain, but how do I start? Simple, in our browser of choice, we place our domain followed by "/ cpanel". Example:

my.domain / cpanel

We open our browser and write our domain address:



Once we access this Internet address, the following form will appear in which we will put the User Y Password from our cPanel:

cPanel Login

A screen like the one below will appear in which we will click on the box that says: SITE BUILDER  Begin.

Rvsitebiulder comenzar

NOTE: this step (Click on Begin) Sometimes it can be omitted due to the link that exists in your panel and the page will appear directly like the one in the next step.

In case the box does not appear, we can find the site builder in the "software / services" section.

Rvsitebiulder comenzar2

In this way you will send us to the main page of RvSiteBiulder.

Rvsitebiulder proyecto



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