How to filter emails from cPanel?

We can create a series of rules or conditions to filter emails and thus get rid of annoying and repetitive SPAM messages or make emails with a specific subject go to a specific mailbox on our account.

To do this, we log in to our cPanel and click on the section Email Filters of the Email section.

We will view the email accounts that we have created. To create or modify the filters we will click on "Manage Filters".

Creating the mail filter


We can create options to filter emails according to our interests.

By clicking on "Create a new Filter" we will see all the options that this configuration gives us. The main thing is to give the mail filter a name, something significant that we know what this filter can do just by reading its name. In the upper section, we will put the conditions to locate the email in question. We can make a filter of emails by Subject, establish a word to filter emails either in the subject, in the sender, in the body of the message itself ...

We can also create more than one condition to locate the email by clicking on the "+" button or even select more than one action to carry out on the "+" button in the lower section.

Once satisfied with our options, we click on the "Create" button, and our filter will appear in the list of email filters.

We can check how our mail filter performs the indicated action since the message has been filtered.


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