E-commerce this year; exponential growth

The world changed radically due to the arrival of this new virus, but the most significant effects have to do with people's behavior. Although the majority stayed at home, this did not prevent them from stopping consuming the products they want, on the contrary, by spending more time at home they spent more time on social networks, this caused their traffic to increase, and a couple enthusiasts seized the opportunity, bombarding the public with highly targeted ads to buy their products.

Obviously they were ready, with everything that refers to digital infrastructure, they had their online store operating, connected to their social networks to be able to analyze the behavior of potential buyers among many other tools, this in conjunction with timely thinking. gave great benefits.

People continued to buy their products, and they had to change providers if they did not have digital sales services. There are even studies and articles, such as that of La Capital, in which they mention that, of the total that was handled in the electronic commerce market, a 40% were new clients, clients who were forced to explore other alternatives and managed to your products hereby.

There is evidence that, as the pandemic arrived a bit late for Latin America, after the first quarter, April presented a growth of 84% in the level of sales compared to the average of the previous quarter, a totally remarkable increase. The context of the pandemic affecting markets through the internet is totally clear, but the focus is what has to change.

According to the United Nations, approximately 2.7 million companies will close in Latin America and the Caribbean due to the pandemic that we are experiencing, costing 8.5 million jobs, thus affecting the productive capacity of the countries.

All these companies, in the first instance, and all these jobs, as a consequence, will be lost, and all because of not being able to adapt to change. The article highlights that micro-enterprises and SMEs will be the most affected, and with good reason, these companies, due to their capitalization levels or their economic cycles, do not have the necessary capital or the entrepreneurial mentality to be able to face changes as radical as these can be. .

A solution for many of them could have been to invest in an online store development, plus the training they will need to be able to manage it and give it the support and maintenance that they usually require. With this, many of the companies that had to close doors due to the pandemic could maintain a level of sales with which to survive.

Do not stay behind in the practices of the businesses that are staying afloat, upload your products to an online store, take advantage of KIUBIX is offering a package that includes the WooCommerce, WordPress, SICOFI and Adminit platform all in one, where you will have the opportunity to create and manage your online store like a true professional, this with the help of a expert in web page design, with a system of automatic billing and for a much lower price than renting a place, do not let your business be left behind and create your online store now, enter https://kiubix.mx/tienda-linea-mas-adminit


  • KIUBIX. (sf). KIUBIX. Obtained from Products, solutions and tools developed for the success of your business: https://kiubix.mx/
  • United Nations. (July 2, 2020). UN News. Obtained from Some 2.7 million companies could close in Latin America and the Caribbean due to the coronavirus pandemic: https://news.un.org/es/story/2020/07/1476912
  • Santamaria, P. (April 2, 2020). Merca 2.0. Obtained from The history of E- Comerce in 2020 that we should all know: https://www.merca20.com/la-historia-del-e-comerce-en-2020-que-todos-debemos-de-saber/
  • Urfeig, D. (June 7, 2020). The capital. Obtained from The growth of electronic commerce: https://www.lacapital.com.ar/opinion/el-crecimiento-del-comercio-electronico-n2595515.html


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