One of the skills most sought after by entrepreneurs and professionals, is to expose well. Whether in front of a large public or on the board of directors, there are not a few who tend to have problems being concrete, having attractive visuals and not even sleeping with their voice.
Adolfo Nittoli, coach accent and the voice of History for Latin America, offers the following tips for be a better speaker:
1. Content is everything:
«If you are not interested in what you say, do not ask that of your audience. But if you are passionate about it, then immerse your viewers in that wonderful world that you experience. "
2. Brevity is a virtue:
«You must make an impact by saying little ... or playing with silence. A good speaker is not made by what he says, but by how he says it.
3. Not everything is to be charismatic or friendly
"If you concentrate on pleasing your audience just for aesthetic pleasure, you will put your energy into something that will not enrich your speech"
4. Not everything is the videos, designs or multimedia supports
In the end, the important thing is your speech. Nobody wants to see someone 1 minute, presenting a 10 minute video.
5. Don't be a puppet
It is worth jumping or moving, as long as it has a meaning within your charka.
6. Learn the value of measure
«If you are in connection with your body, you will move in an organic, natural way, and you will be safe and calm in every step you take. In addition, if you train with a communication specialist, they will help you understand that each gesture, each small gesture, is a very valuable expressive resource. »
7. A pause, to breathe
"The truth is that you too must develop a solid technical base that allows you to remain agile mentally, vocally and physically while you give a class, give a lecture or deliver a speech, and the secret is in the correct breathing."
8. Don't ramble, have respect for your audience
The people present give you their time, value it with a clear and coherent speech. Practice routes and resources to keep them attentive. The person who listens to you gives you their time, their attention, and opens their channels for you to enter with your words. Are you going to miss that opportunity? Do it.
9. Don't be stupid
Nittoli says: "Nothing is more unpleasant than a fool convinced he is not."
10. Not everything is your looks or what You have nice voice
Really, no need to talk. The imperative is to communicate, and do it well. If you can't, or don't know how, get advice from a professional who will train you ... but really, having a good voice, a pretty face and fashionable clothes is not enough to get the job done »
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