Denny the ultimate in city utility bikes


Just as man has evolved, the same has happened with transportation that allows him to move from one place to another, innovation in terms of characteristics, materials, design, assembly and accessories to build bicycles is constant; and to show this is "Denny" developed by Teague and Sizemore Bicycle to participate in the contest The Bike Design Project of Oregon Manifest The Ultimate Urban Utility Bike. 

Denny was the winner of five groups that presented their bikes during the event. She - because we can say that a girl and because of the article that precedes her -, has a rechargeable battery that powers her front, side and rear lights; electric foot pedal, intelligent systems to carry from a book to a six pack. 

The minds behind Denny recently announced that they will be putting it up for sale in the United States very soon. To learn more about this amazing bike that we should all have. Take a look at this video.

Riding a bicycle is a practice that dates back to 1890 when it began to become very popular, then it happened again in 1950 and 1970; And it's happening in the 2000s.


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