cPanel is the tool for web hosting par excellence, due to its wide range of options and way of configuring a website, but two decades ago there were no tools for web hosting, you could hear from companies about a problem related to this and the only thought was how complex it would be to fix it, but still they did everything possible to give a quick solution and not affect the performance of the website.
Let's take for example the lodging of a hotel, formerly they did not exist and travelers who traded things needed to rest somewhere and depended on luck, to get space to save their resources and another to rest, this was constantly evolving, first the taverns already They offered them a space to rest and another to eat, as the needs of the people grew because all this changed, currently you can rent a lodging anywhere from anywhere in the world with internet access, even adding or removing services, doing that lodging the most personalized to your needs
Translating it into web hosting, before one needed several things just to have a space, now there are different tools that can be used to manage our web hosting in a more efficient and effective way.
KIUBIX began in 2001, web hosting was one of the first services it offered, and it grew with it to continue improving the service to our clients, to obtain better performance, it began to work with cPanel that began 20 years ago and offered solutions revolutionary for that moment.
Currently with cPanel you can manipulate issues from emails, database administration, file management, analytics reports, domain management, server-specific configurations among other applications.
Users who have a website and who have a web hosting manager like cPanel, often do not realize the great potential they have and how easy it is to administer and manage their entire site. For this reason, we invite you to review your cPanel and discover what tools you have available and how you can make use of them.
cPanel covers the 80% of web hosting and this is thanks to being a great tool for different solutions, but it is very difficult to cover all cPanel, since it has around 108 certifications. But our clients can rest assured with us, since KIUBIX is the world's number 10 company in cPanel certifications and the number 1 in Latin America.
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