Most Hosting make backup copies on a scheduled basis, either daily, weekly or monthly in all or some of these modalities, which allows their clients to be able to restore websites to a specific point (that of the date of the available copy ) in case of problems in the Hosting.
You cannot use a backup to restore your website from the Cpanel interface.
You must download and compress the backup before attempting to restore it.
After unzipping the backup, you can upload and restore individual portions of your website that the backup contains.
How to backup from cPanel
- To see the backup menu you must enter the cPanel control panel and click on the icon.
- In the Full Backup section click on Download or Generate a Full Backup.
- In the Backup Destination option we leave by default: Main Directory.
Main Directory - Select this option to save the backup copy on the server.
Remote FTP server - Select this option to use FTP to save the backup on a remote server.
Remote FTP Server (Passive Mode Transfer) - Select this option to use FTP in passive mode to save the backup on a remote server.
SCP Backup - Select this option to use Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) to save the backup on a remote server.
It will show us that the backup is taking place.
- We can find the backup from the next section. Clicking on the link will start the download.
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