Although you know that electronic commerce is imposing throughout the world, it may be that you are not aware of how advanced it is in Mexico, with which this data or group of data will help you realize that it may be that you are falling behind in the whole business of modernizing your business and embracing an online store.
The origin of the data first. All the figures in this article were consulted in the study of the Association which was carried out in 2017, so to all the data you will have to add an estimate for all those people who opened their online store in this pandemic .
To begin, let's talk about the distribution of Mexican online shoppers. Did you know that half of the buyers are young people between 18 and 34 years old? If you think about offering products for the elderly, the safest thing is that his children will be the ones who buy it for him. In addition, of the Mexican buyers the 54% are men and the rest women, but of all these people who buy the 64% have children, this is much more than half, you can take advantage of that market niche.
Do you know where the greatest number of sales is concentrated? Well, with good reason, the most populated city, CDMX, which buys 22% of all goods in the digital market, followed by Jalisco with 9%, hence the other states vary between 7 and 1%.
Of the total number of online users, the 75% of Mexicans has made a purchase through a digital medium. This means that the majority of people who use the Internet continuously buy online, and of these people the 86% say that they would buy again through these means.
Mexicans buy on holidays, a significant increase is shown both in the days of special offers, such as the HotSale or the Good End, or holidays, such as Valentine's Day or Christmas, you can take advantage of this to launch offers and advertising , in this way you can increase your sales significantly.
Among the most important reasons why customers make a purchase, they are in order; the optimization of the online store for mobile devices, and that most of the sales are made through this platform, the low prices compared to a physical store, the detailed information of the product and the speed of delivery of this.
Online stores have grown a lot since then. The pandemic gave reason to many people to leave their conservative thinking behind and risk a market they did not know, so do not get left behind in business practices that are staying afloat, upload your products to a store in line takes advantage of that KIUBIX is offering a package that includes the WooCommerce, WordPress, SICOFI and Adminit platform all in one, where you will have the opportunity to create and manage your online store like a true professional, this with the help of a expert in web page design, with a system of automatic billingand for a much lower price than renting a place, do not let your business be left behind and create your online store now, enter

Bibliography association. (2017). association. Obtained from Study of Electronic Commerce in Mexico 2017:
KIUBIX. (sf). KIUBIX. Obtained from Products, solutions and tools developed for the success of your business:
SENDING, ED (sf). Scared. Obtained from 7 e-commerce data in Mexico:
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