Some theories speak of 5 or 10 categories of consumers, but the most extreme include them in 3 large schemes, according to neuroeconomics, according to their way of spending (not so much for their motivations).
Estos arquetipos básicos son fácilmente identificables, y uno mismo puede encasillarse en una de estas casillas, pero lo bueno es que también existe información sobre cómo venderles 😉
Meet Adminit, management software for cloud businesses.
Let's start, keeping in mind that the following sales funnel is important:

1. The misers
They rank as the 24% of buyers, according to specialized publications. Have you felt the famous buyers remorse or fault later to make a purchase? The misers anticipate this sensation and experience it before having made the purchase, indeed, they feel it more acutely. We could say that they even have pain.
They are very planning, and to some extent responsible to the degree of error. We could say that there would be a crossover with the diagnosis of the anxious.
Misers, unlike spendthrifts, will give you their attention more easily if you appeal to negative emotions. Messages like "beware of wasting your money" will make them turn to look.
Them they want value propositions. Don't tell them that you have "excellent customer service," tell them that you are available 24/7. Don't tell them “you will save money”, explain the exact amount of money they saved and how. Here the hard data counts, tables, graphs, comparisons. Cold, emotionless numbers and data.
For the miser, the price usually exceeds the value, so at this stage you should highlight the value of your product, the focus should be on the problems it solves and how it will save you money in the future.
Tip: Take advantage of negative emotions, not positive ones or those that invite complacency. A message that says "you deserve it" or "this is the best for you" does not work with them. Instead use messages like "losing money is bad" and "save your money and ensure the best future for your family."
2. The wasteful
They are the 15% and they love to get rid of their money. They like to spend it that's what they tried to do.
Contrary to misers: For the spender, the regret of buying is almost non-existent, nor do they anticipate the pain of paying. They are not limited by a budget or spending plan, the only controls before an expense are based on the positive feelings that buying generates.
They do not tend to focus so much on the labels, many times they do not see them. It's not about the features or benefits either, but about the experience and excitement of acquiring something.
With the spenders the hook to attract will be in the positive emotions. Generate content that makes them feel good, especially if it is with themselves. They will be more attracted to highly visual content, so prepare colorful infographics and cute pictures with babies and puppies.
Tip: They will respond to color. So do a little research on color psychology and use it strategically.
3. Regular buyers
They are the 60%, hence the name. Let's say that it is the common denominator, and who appeals the bulk of the advertising with product values, some emotional speech and also more detailed information, only if it is sought, about the benefits.
They are consumers who spend what they consider necessary, weigh options and investigate. They also want to make smart decisions and save a little money.
They don't usually have a strict budget, but they do have a general idea of how much money is coming in and therefore how much they can spend. This way they estimate whether or not they can afford the product that we are trying to sell them.
It is the middle ground between miser and wasteful. But without so much suffering. Or rather, they suffer regret after having made the purchase.
They respond best to a mix of emotional and analytical marketing messages. They are going to act on some data and some emotions, so use both.
The regular buyer will be happy if you show them more information, not an avalanche, but some very precise that will generate confidence. Give them proof that your product is really their best alternative: testimonials from your clients, certifications within the industry and awards that your product has won, industry leaders and influencers with the product.
It is because of them that there is so much video of unboxing in Youtube.
Tip: Many are always looking for something extra, looking for a "very good deal" that could push them to make a purchase.
With these tips, it pays to have the business well managed. We recommend Adminit, a cloud software that also has a free version, ready to run your business.
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