Once you have logged into your account to start using your billing system, you must first make some additional configurations to those performed by the KIUBIX company, this in order for it to start working correctly.
1.1. Assign the starting number and series for the invoice count.
This configuration is of great importance since if you do not have this configuration, the system will show you errors when you want to perform a digital receipt. The steps to configure are:
a) From the menu on the left side, go to HACIENDA by clicking on the triangle in front of the name of the menu and you will see that 2 submenu named CERTIFICATE and FOLIOS will be displayed, as shown in the image.
b) Click on the FOLIOS submenu, it will show you a screen like the image below.
c) Click on the option that says ADD A NEW SERIES, clicking on it will show you a box in which you must place information such as:
*Serie: This option refers to whether you want to add any additional letter or word to the invoice #. I considered that it is only optional, that is, if you like to put a series you can put it, if you do not want to have a series it is not mandatory and does not affect the system at all.
An example would be, we suppose that the RFC of our company is ZXZ010101Q32 and we want our invoices to have the first 3 letters of the RFC as standard, then our series would be ZXZ.
* Initial Folio: It is the option to place the initial number with which the account of your invoices will begin.
If you want your digital invoices to give continuity to the printed invoices then you have to place the next number of the last folio in
printed invoices.
For example, suppose that my printed invoices stayed at folio 550, then my initial folio in electronic invoicing will be 551. This is optional, since if you want your digital invoices to start with the count from 1 then you just have to place the number 1 in the initial number of the folio.
Uniting both the terms SERIES and INITIAL FOLIO, we assume that:
Our first invoice issued would have folio ZXZ 551
Our second invoice issued would be ZXZ 552
Our third invoice issued would be ZXZ 553
Thus consecutively, the SERIES is fixed and it will always be the same while the FOLIO changes numerically.
d) Once you have placed the SERIES and INITIAL FOLIO, click on the bottom button that says
With this procedure you have added your initial folio correctly.
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