.Tar files
tar packs multiple files into one, but does not compress.
Install the tool: # emerge -n tar
Package: # tar cf archive.tar files
Unpack: # tar -xvf file.tar
See content: # tar -tf file.tar
.Gz files
gzip it only compresses file by file, does not pack several files into one or compress directories.
Install the tool: # emerge -n gzip
Compress: # gzip file
Decompress: # gzip -d file.gz
.Bz2 files
bzip2 it only compresses file by file, does not pack several files into one or compress directories.
Install the tool: # emerge -n bzip2
Compress: # bzip2 file
Decompress: # bzip2 -d file.bz2
To compress several files and archive them into one, in the style of compressors zip or rar you have to combine tarwith gzip or with bzip2 as I show below.
.Tar.gz files
Compress: # tar -czf archive.tar.gz files
Decompress: # tar -xvzf file.tar.gz
See content: # tar -tzf file.tar.gz
.Tar.bz2 files
Compress: # tar -c files | bzip2> file.tar.bz2
Decompress: # bzip2 -dc file.tar.bz2 | tar -xv
See content: # bzip2 -dc file.tar.bz2 | tar -t
.Zip files
Install tools: # emerge -n zip unzip
Compress: # zip archive.zip files
Decompress: # unzip file.zip
See content: # unzip -v file.zip
.Rar files
Install the tool: # emerge -n rar
Compress: # rar to archive.rar files
Decompress: # rar x file.rar
See content: # rar l file.rar or # rar v file.rar
.Lha files
Install the tool: # emerge -n lha
Compress: # lha to file.lha files
Decompress: # lha x file.lha
See content: # lha v file.lha or # lha l file.lha
.Arj files
Install tools: # emerge -n arj unarj
Compress: # arj to archive.arj files
Decompress: # unarj file.arj or # arj x file.arj
See content: # arj v file.arj or # arj l file.arj
.Zoo files
Install the tool: # emerge -n zoo
Compress: # zoo to archive.zoo files
Decompress: # zoo x file.zoo
See content: # zoo L file.zoo or # zoo v file.zoo
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