1. We click on "Sales" in the menu bar or in the control panel. Or we press the F2 key.
2. We write the name of the client or add a new client.
3. We write the name of the article or add a new article.
4. We edit the quantity of the item.
5. When we have finished adding items, we select the type of payment.
6. We click on "Add Payment".
7. We can add another payment, repeating steps 3,4,5 and 6.
8. When we finish adding payments, we click on "Complete Sale".
9. A pop-up window will appear and we click "OK".
10. If we have the option activated, a pop-up window will appear to print the sales receipt.
11. If we close the pop-up window or if we do not have the option activated, it will show us the receipt of the sale.
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