Hello everyone, this time we are going to learn how to make a small function that will help us to show the dates in different formats and also make translations into English or Spanish.
function now($format, $language = "es") {
if($format == 1) {
return ($language === "es") ? date("d/m/y", time()) : date("m/d/y", time());
} elseif($format == 2) {
$day = date("l");
if ($language === "es") {
if ($day == "Monday") $day = "Lunes";
if ($day == "Tuesday") $day = "Martes";
if ($day == "Wednesday") $day = "Miércoles";
if ($day == "Thursday") $day = "Jueves";
if ($day == "Friday") $day = "Viernes";
if ($day == "Saturday") $day = "Sabado";
if ($day == "Sunday") $day = "Domingo";
$day2 = date("d");
$month = date("F");
if ($language === "es") {
if ($month == "January") $month = "Enero";
if ($month == "February") $month = "Febrero";
if ($month == "March") $month = "Marzo";
if ($month == "April") $month = "Abril";
if ($month == "May") $month = "Mayo";
if ($month == "June") $month = "Junio";
if ($month == "July") $month = "Julio";
if ($month == "August") $month = "Agosto";
if ($month == "September") $month = "Setiembre";
if ($month == "October") $month = "Octubre";
if ($month == "November") $month = "Noviembre";
if ($month == "December") $month = "Diciembre";
$year = date("Y");
return ($language === "es") ? "$day, $day2 de $month de $year" : "$month $day2, $year";
} elseif($format == 3) {
return ($language === "es") ? date("d-m-Y H:i:s", time()) : date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
To use it we can simply send it to call in the following way:
echo now (1); // Print: 03/27/13 echo now (1, "en"); // Print: 03/27/13 echo now (2); // Print: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 echo now (2, "en"); // Print: March 27, 2013 echo now (3); // Print: 2013-03-27 12:00:00 echo now (3, "en"); // Print: 2013-03-27 12:00:00
I hope this is useful for you, regards!
Too many If's, your code suffers from a lot of cyclomatic complexity, you do very bad practices, you'd better have saved the dates in an arrangement and then you would have called it according to its index, the only thing that you managed to do too much code for something so simple