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1. We place the cursor on "More" in the menu bar and click on "Projects". 2. We click on «Create Project». 3. A form will appear: Below we explain how to fill in each field: Project Information Project Name: write the name of the project. Start date: we select the date on which the ...

1. We place the cursor on "More" in the menu bar and click on "Activities". 2. We click on «Create Activity». 3. A form will appear: Below we explain how to fill in each field: Activity Information Activity Name: write the name of the activity. Priority: we select the priority of the activity, which ...

1. We place the cursor on "More" in the menu bar and click on "Milestones". 2. We click on «Create Milestone». 3. A form will appear: Next we will explain how to fill in each field: Information Milestone Name Milestone: we write the name of the milestone. Related to: we select the project with which it is related ...

1. We place the cursor on "More" in the menu bar and click on "Service Contracts". 2. We click on «Create Service Contract». 3. A form will appear: Below we explain how to fill in each field: Service Contract Information Subject: write the name of the contract. Related to: we select the ...

1. We place the cursor on "More" in the menu bar and click on "Suppliers". 2. We click on «Create Supplier». 3. A form will appear: Below we explain how to fill in each field: Information about Suppliers Supplier: we write the name of the supplier. Email: we write the email of the provider. Accounting Account: we select ...

1. We place the cursor on "More" in the menu bar and click on "Price Lists". 2. We click on «Create Price List». 3. A form will appear: Next we explain how to fill in each field: Price List Information Price List Name: we write the name of the ...