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  Error THE OPTION TO GENERATE CFDI DOES NOT APPEAR: This button disappears because the SICOFI system blocks this option because it does not have folios to issue documents. Solution Purchase a packet of sheets, which you can find by clicking "HERE" or on the following link:

ERROR ISSUER'S DIGITAL SEAL IS INVALID: This error occurs when in the body or concept of the invoice or document to be issued, we assign bullets or symbols that the system does not identify, such as semicolons, colon, quotation marks, brackets, asterisks, parentheses, etc. Solution Check the body of the document for any characters or symbols that are not allowed ...

CERTIFICATE ERROR IS NOT FOUND IN THE SAT DATABASE: This message appears when our certificate is not yet at 100% authorized by the estate and therefore it will mark this error. Solution Wait for the Treasury to release our certificate to 100%, when the SICOFI system will stop marking the error and you will ...

  Error When selecting a customer and deleting, it does not allow to do so and marks an error message. Reason Once a document has been generated for the client, it will be impossible to delete it for the security of the system. Common mistakes in SICOFI  

Error INDICATES THAT I DO NOT HAVE AN ASSIGNED SERIES; When this error occurs, it is because the client does not make the first configurations that are sent via email where the INITIAL FOLIO is requested to be added with which the system will begin the internal count. Solution Enter SICOFI on the left side, click ...

IT DOES NOT SHOW ANYTHING: Commonly clients speak mentioning that when they want to make an invoice or document it does not show them anything, but this error originates because there is no registered client and consequently we have no one to bill them. Solution Once we register a client, it will show us the ...