Web programming
Icons for your website
11 New Icons fa-rub fa-ruble (alias) fa-ruble (alias) fa-pagelines fa-stack-exchange fa-arrow-circle-o-right fa-arrow-circle-o-left fa-caret-square- o-left fa-toggle-left (alias) fa-dot-circle-o fa-wheelchair fa-vimeo-square fa-try fa-turkish-lira (alias) fa-plus-square-o Icons for web application fa- adjust fa-anchor fa-archive fa-arrows fa-arrows-h fa-arrows-v fa-asterisk fa-ban fa-bar-chart-o fa-barcode fa-bars fa-beer fa-bell fa-bell-o fa-bolt fa-book fa-bookmark fa-bookmark-o fa-briefcase fa-bug fa-building-o fa-bullhorn fa-bullseye fa-calendar fa-calendar-o fa-camera fa-camera-retro fa-caret -square-o-down fa-caret-square-o-left ...
We should all learn to code
As it says in the title, great successful people say that learning to program a computer is one of the things that we should all know how to do, but let's see why… First, I want to leave you this phrase. "Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer ... because it teaches you how to think." - Steve ...
Exercising our eyes
For people who spend several hours in front of the screen, exercising our eyes is important, to avoid fatigue, and keep them healthy. wikiHOW has 10 interesting tips to do it, and here I translate them: Sit comfortably in a chair. Rub our hands until they are warm. Close your eyes, and cover them with the palms of our hands, ...
Search the largest directories or files on your hard drive with find
Have you ever wanted to know what is the largest folder or file on your hard drive? The find command is great, it allows us to do many things (we have already talked about some here), here I bring you another utility of it. The following command will search the entire HDD and tell us which ones ...
Javascript. Return reloading the page
JavaScript is a language that has become very important with the new version of HTML5. Its uses are very varied and now we will see how to return to the previous page by reloading it. When we use the back () function of JavaScript, we return to the previous web, but this one does not reload. This is a problem when we have come to this website from a form ...
Bad Choice of the Hosting Provider
Many entrepreneurs, in order to save money, hire the "Hosting" service for their page based on the cost rather than on the prestige and solidity of the company. Obviously, they hire the cheapest. The problem is that the decision can be disastrous. This mistake is also made by many physical companies that want to venture into ...