Web programming
¿Qué es React js?
React.js es una biblioteca de JavaScript, desarrollada por Facebook, que se utiliza para construir interfaces de usuario (UI) interactivas y dinámicas. Es especialmente popular para la creación de aplicaciones web de una sola página (SPA). Características principales: Componentes: React permite dividir la UI en pequeños componentes reutilizables, facilitando el desarrollo y mantenimiento del código. Virtual …
Ameca el robot humanoide más avanzado del mundo
Creado por Engineered Arts, Ameca es un robot humanoide que desde que se dio a conocer, ha dado conversación a todo el que se ha acercado a conocerlo. Ameca cuenta con rasgos faciales lo más similar a los de un humano que te puedas imaginar, es capaz de moverlos para formar expresiones faciales y utilizarlas como parte …
Mexican robot Justina triumphs in RoboCup contest in Japan
Justina obtained first and fourth place in two categories of the RoboCup contest, competing against universities from Japan, Germany, Holland and other countries. Justina was developed by students from the Biorobotics Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering of UNAM Photo: UNAM The Justina robot, developed by UNAM students, won first place in ...
Create a connection to a php mysql database
That I have to do? MySQL is the most popular open source database management system today. MySQL is available for different operating systems, such as Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, Windows, and more. MySQL is very popular in the development of web applications, since it is part of the management system ...
Redirect to another web page with php
Simple redirection To redirect the visitor to another page (especially useful in a conditional loop), just use the following code: Where mypage represents the address of the page to which you want to redirect. This address can be absolute and can have parameters of the form mypage.php? Param1 = val1¶m2 = val2). Relative / absolute path Theoretically, it is better to prefer ...
Upload an image of a construction site to your Web Hosting
For various reasons we need to upload an image to be displayed instead of our website, such as when we upload a site under construction. To achieve this we will follow these simple steps. 1.- Enter our cPanel administration area with our current accesses. To enter it you must enter the address ...