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Why host your web project on KIUBIX? A question that is usually received in KIUBIX is why they prefer its cloud hosting service or web hosting before that of other companies that include it with the sale of domains or proprietary platforms. As we are short, concise and to the point, we have the 8 reasons ...

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a rethinking of retail sales and the blow has been hard for Mexican SMEs after more than 3 months with the doors closed or partial services before the hygiene measures established by the authority. While it seems that there is no way to face giants like Amazon, ...

A recurring question is what advantages Plesk has over CPanel, beyond the fact that it is the clear and obvious option for your Windows projects and applications made in .net using the C# and Visual Basic languages. To understand the subject, we develop 4 points: 1. Compatibility First of all, it is compatible with various Cloud platforms ...

One of the wonders of having your website in WordPress, in a good web hosting service, is the existence of a brilliant community of geeks who usually release their knowledge, either in practical advice, collecting the news so that they do not catch us in curve the big updates or with the best ...

Parallel to the regrettable COVID-19 for Mexican society (and worldwide), there has been a collateral phenomenon: the adoption of electronic commerce in Mexico accelerated, thus overcoming historical issues of mistrust and with hundreds of establishments and / or platforms of payment that have a very valuable asset: the cards of potential clients. To the …

Although at some point it seemed impossible to reach the Moon, today it is the only celestial body where the human being has made a manned descent. To commemorate half a century of this feat, today we tell you through Julieta Fierro Gossman and Alejandro Farah Simón, researchers at the Institute of Astronomy of ...