What is hosting?
Today it is known as cloud hosting. It is a server that allows meeting the needs of the user since there are a large number of users, there are different types of hostings or different servers. Baremetal server: it focuses on a need since all the ram memory, among other components, are dedicated ...
Knowing KIUBIX
KIUBIX starts as a news portal in Aguascalientes. The company begins to change towards another turn where they begin to offer hosting services to the different companies that were looking for hosting their sites. Currently the company became known a lot due to everything that is offered within it. KIUBIX helps…
What makes Kearnit unique?
The Kearnit platform specializes in everything different. In any moodle you find everything very robust and static, it is not out of the ordinary that can be seen in all management systems. Kearnit gives you the content in a super clear and simple way, which motivates you to do more and more ...
Everything Kearnit offers
You enter Kearnit and you can already take a look at how friendly the system interface is. You will find many intuitive tools, which will help you make the necessary adjustments in a simpler and faster way. The software will better incorporate you into the working model, it offers several courses that work with the low version ...
What is Kearnit LMS / LXS?
It is a learning management system known as E-Learning, currently there is much talk about education and virtual models that arise from the needs of people who want to learn something new or complement their previously acquired knowledge.
What is important in the management of a business?
The management of a business is the strongest pillar of a business, if there is no good management, the whole business will collapse little by little. So if we seek the highest profitability of our business, we must look for the tools that help us compete and generate greater profit, for example, by ...