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  CentOS 7.0 is now available to everyone. This is the first version released since it was integrated with Red Hat, and with the new policy, the release was one month apart from Red Hat 7.0. This release, formally named CentOS-7.0-1406, will have a support period of 10 years (until ...

The simplest ... What is SSH? You will find a very clear explanation and something else by following this link. But in summary, it is a way in which you manage your remote server in a fast and secure way, although… it is not as easy to use as an FTP. The difficulty is that this is a non-visual system, ...

1 ssh to the server as root and run # / Usr / local / cpanel / scripts / makecpphp (Don't fill this if your server doesn't have makecpphp) run 2. download the installer using the following command: #cd / usr / local / cpanel / whostmgr / docroot / cgi / #rm-rf / usr /…

Well, here is a practical example of how to back up all your databases quickly. Explanation of the command «USER» == User registered in mysql can be root or the one who has "PASSWORD" permissions == Password of the user «–all -databases »== We indicate the databases to be backed up (with this it supports ...

Introduction. Sudo is a system tool that allows users to execute commands as superuser or another user according to how it is specified in the / etc / sudoers file, where it is determined who is authorized. The actual and effective user and group identity numbers (UID and GID) are set to equal ...

Introduction. DHCP (acronym for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol which translates to Dynamic Server Configuration Protocol) is a protocol that allows individual devices on a network of IP addresses to obtain their own network configuration information (IP address; subnet mask, gateway, etc.) from a DHCP server. Its main purpose is to do ...