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KIUBIX Tutorials

  Open Outlook 2010 If this is not the first time you open Outlook, no window will appear to configure. To configure a new email account, click on File, Information and select Add account as in the following image: * A new window will open for Automatic account configuration ...

At KIUBIX we have a fairly high security scheme, which guarantees that your information is always in the best protection. That is why sometimes our Firewall blocks public IP addresses. How can I know if my public IP is blocked? E-mail is not working You cannot enter your page ...

Among the most common webmail clients used in this type of panel, we are going to focus on RoundCube and specifically on the management of personalized signatures to automatically attach, with an image included, in the shipments made. One of the most common needs is the integration of personalized signatures with an image inside the body of the ...

Among the many advantages offered by the KIUBIX customer area, is the ability to follow up on contracted services by following up on service orders.

To be able to use our corporate emails from the gmail portal, it is necessary to carry out the following steps: -We enter our gmail account, click on the gear icon and select settings: -Now we go to the accounts tab, where we will click on " Add another email address of yours ”.

This article explains how you can scan your entire cPanel account for viruses using the virus scan option. Once we are inside our cPanel we will look for the option «Virus Scanner» within the «Advanced» category. Once inside it will allow us to choose the type ...